over them. they have no defense of the facts. we have seen that. so, first they said he didn't do it then he did do it, then it didn't matter. then they tried to blame the messenger. then they said it was secret and went in and ordered pizza. now, it's not going to be secret. they're kind of running out of defense. >> what about the new poll from the "washington post"? and that shows how divided americans are about impeachment. the poll has 49% saying the president should be impeached. removed from office. 47% say no. you've got 82% of democrats supporting impeachment, 82% of republicans posing. it couldn't be more divided. what do you say to your constituents who say this investigation is just some sort of partisan endeavor? >> well, i try to say look at the facts, that this is something that the president has done, has admitted to doing. and you focus on national security. maybe they don't understand the emoluments or they don't understand obstruction of justice, but people understand when a president goes to a