meanwhile detroit reporter victor williams is going viral while giving a live record while skateboarding. take a look. >> so mr. premium is going to be out here every single monday and wednesday skateboarding with everyone and trying his best to basically show them exactly what to do. as far as chandler skate park, they'll be done in about the next ten days. >> williams has been skateboarding since he was little, so when local nbc station wdivcovered a stoishen construction at a local skate park, they knew just who to send. that's extraordinarily impressive. i'll tease at 6:00 a.m., willie geist will be doing the same on "morning joe." and steve bannon and "way too early" is coming right back. too early" is coming right back. without frequent heartburn waking her up. now, that dream... . her reality. nexium 24hr stops acid before it starts,