will stand up for the baltics and we have to have forces there now. you have to have permanent forces in the baltics to make it real. i'm the chairman of the baltic security caucus and it's clear that the baltic nations do fear an invasion. i think rightfully so. so we have to have forces there and putin's got to know for absolute certainty that we will defend our nato allies. if he doesn't think it's true he will take them back. ukraine is just -- it's an appetizer here. i think he will push on further if we don't show resolution and strength. >> congressman, thanks for your time this morning. thanks for whenever you do make time for us. i think we'll have to continue this conversation so i'm give young an invitation now to return and discuss this. this is important. congressman don bacon is a republican of nebraska with the house arms services committee and retired brigadier general. he did serve two tours as wing