the work that you do, that so many of us do learn about it. hannibal johnson, author of "black wall street 100, an american city grapples with its historical racial trauma." by the way, we will talk about what the future of black prosperity is in this country tomorrow. straight ahead, i'm talking with janet napolitano about how republicans in the senate killed any prospects about getting to the bottom of the january 6th insurrection. another hour of "velshi" starts now. ♪ ♪ good morning. it is saturday, may 29th. i'm ali velshi. president biden is due to meet with russian president vladimir putin in geneva in 18 days. they will have much to discuss, from ukraine to covid-19 to election and political interference, but looming largest at the moment, a new ongoing cyberattack targeted u.s. government agencies that russia's foreign intelligence service is allegedly orchestrating. a russian-based hacking group