you are a scholar of the second amendment and have written a lot on gun policy. we talk about the cycles of all of this. does it feel like things have changed in light of what shawna is talking about there, in light of what we saw over the course of the last year. there was news there will be federal funding for research into gun violence. something that was not allowed for a very long time. >> it was literally barred by congress that you could regulate and study the danger of toasters but not of guns. actually the congressman, a republican congressman from arkansas, who wrote that provision, has recanted and said this is crazy. we've got to do something. i do think things are changing, though it's a big question. nobody should think they are changing so much that there's going to be dramatic change without further political change. after the newtown shooting, the background check legislation, bipartisan, didn't fail because the public wasn't for it. 90% of the public was for it. it didn't even fail because most