campaign. a california side, campaign headquarters in baltimore. is she furious that people were forced to move to baltimore under tenuous circumstances. they didn't know their jobs were going to disappear as they have. >> we've all written letters like that. >> we have? you have. >> ideally you leave them in draft form but you only write letters like that when you really care. >> yeah. >> so as frustrated as kelly is, she obviously cares a great deal about senator harris and she's angry that senator harris is unlikely to be the nominee. >> she's adamant in this piece. she thinks she's the candidate. >> that is the worst situation at all. it is one thing to work with a candidate that's dysfunctional and the candidate isn't great. to work for a campaign -- this went on to some extent in hillary's campaign in 2008. the bickering back at hq was so horrible, you knew it wasn't serving the candidate who was out and about. how to resolve that kind of thing, i don't know. i worked with maya harris who i like --