because national lets me lose the wait at the counter... ...and choose any car in the aisle. and i don't wait when i return, thanks to drop & go. at national, i can lose the wait...and keep it off. looking good, patrick. i know. (vo) go national. go like a pro. you can barely take care if yof a, so, you're probably not ready to get pregnant now. you can prevent pregnancy for up to five years with mirena® or kyleena, low-maintenance iuds. your doctor can place an iud in just a few minutes, and remove it at any time. filling prescriptions could take longer. an iud is more reliable than this... and requires less attention than a toddler. don't use mirena or kyleena if you have a pelvic infection, get infections easily, or have certain cancers. less than 1% of users get a serious infection called pid. if you have pelvic or stomach pain, or if your iud comes out, talk to your doctor. your iud may attach to or go through the uterus.

Related Keywords

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