Undocumented workers. For two weeks now, president obama has been pushing congress, when heap says congress, you should hear house republicans, to pass a comprehensive immigration bill like the one democrats and republicans already passed in the senate. The president says he wants it done this year. Its good for our economy. Its good for our national security. Its good for our people. And weep shou should do it this . After alleysrallies around t country. They came on board with comprehensive Immigration Reform. This year the nations 11 million undocumented immigrants. Either way, while the battle over Immigration Reform plays out in washington, out inment rest out in the rest of the country out of the spotlight undocumented workers are fighting real batless to feted their families. Why because without the protection of citizenship theyre vulnerable to exploitation, like wage theft, people hiring them to do work and then not paying them, unsafe even deadly work conditions like denying water breaks to people working outside in the summer heat. The workers Defense Project in texas is leading the fight to change this. The the New York Times calls them one of the nations most creative organizations for immigrant workers. Under executive director christina sansoon, the group won victories, a federal investigation into work place safety, and a new law against wage theft. But as christina told me, she is not stopping now. Christina, on her lifes mission, tonight up late. Tell us what workers Defense Project does specifically . Well, workers Defense Project is an organization that is raising standards for low wage workers. Many workers who arent paid for their work, employers who think they dent have to pay workers especially if theyre undocumented, and workers injured on the job. Instead of getting them the medical care they need, employers dump them at the hospital and fire them. So, we help workers get their wages back. Make sure that if theyre injured they have the care that they need. And then also try and change the rules that work against workers that allow that kind abuse to thap p happen. Tell us the history of the organization, who founded them . The organization was founded by volunteers, we stayed with the organization, we thought we would volunteer, two years, a year, and then absolutely fell in love with what we were building, lifting upme the voic of low wage immigrant workers who often didnt have a voice or seat at the table in our political process. Being able to do that for them and with them, absolutely inspired us. Kept us dedicated to the work. When a worker comes to your organization and seeks relief, relief you provide, its it is a lean system, you go in and apply in some small claims court. What court do you go to . Describe the lien process, is it simple . There are different tools workers have. One of the best tools construction workers have is a lien where they tie the debt of what theyre owed to the property. Mcca mechanics lien . Everybody involved. General contractor, owner of the property. People when we have told them, hey can you help us this worker was building your property theyre owed 1,000, 10,000. Before they would say thats not our problem. They care make sure the worker gets paid. What is your sense of what the history of this was in the community or beyond . How long this defending untpaid undocumented workers how long has that been going on . Its a worker center, about, workers defense, is worker center, 225 Workers Center protect low wage workers, most have come into flourish in the last decade. Hopefully one of our plans, got sewn many requests from other organizations is to talk how we can broaden and share our successes and strategies with groups across the country. But, use we were facing in texas were with construction workers. Other parts of the country those tend to be good bluecollar jobs. In texas they werent. We were seeing workers die, be injured, not paid. Though we were representing workers from all industries. 80 of the people who came to us worked in construction on small, residential projects, to large scale commercial and federal projects where this abuse was happening. Federal projects . Without naming names, give me the example of a federal project. There was a federal courthouse being built. In austin recently. This case didnt involve undocumented workers, u. S. Citizens building the project. They werent being paid for weeks on end. They cam to our organization to get help. Not necessarily only defending undocumented workers. If you look at Texas Construction industry, half of the work force is undocumented. About a million workers in texas. Really almost like the story of david and goliath. It is a 60 billion industry. The largest contributor to the Republican Party in texas and largest employer of undocumented labor. The gains we half been able to achieve are substantial. Representing mostly undocumented workers, really showing conditions theyre facing in the state. When people hire undocumented workers, which, which in and of itself that they legal or illegal in the state of texas . In this cocon country, if you hire some one that is illegal. When an employ your told us we wont pay the worker, theyre undocumented. You are surely not telling us you know you hired some one undocumented that is a 10,000 fine per employee. They hire them do they hire them knowing in advance they are not going to pay them . We have found that to be the case. Defrauded them from the getgo. The first case, five construction workers, all answered an ad in the newspaper. Did Residential Construction work. One of the workers, francisco, he was a single father. Once heap got paid he went to the ban tubing cash hk to cash. The employ year already canceled it. That was the first employer we had arrested. He was threatening to have them deported and threatened physical harm if they reported him. That was one of our first victories in the organization. In texas i work with republican Business Owners of Construction Companies that are fighting for Immigration Reform. They cant run their companies legitimately, with one or two workers undocumented how are they suppose to hire a work force. So, were fighting with them. Also, people had mentioned you would want to be able to have the income taxed from the people. Right now, undocumented workers are taking untaxed income. A lot some pay in texas. In the construction industry, 41 of employers committing payroll fraud, paying workers off the books. In texas alone that is costing us 1 billion a year. And lost federal tax revenue from the Texas Construction industry. Imagine nationally the amount of tax dollars we are losing because of broken immigration system. You had a case that involved apple . Correct . Uhhuh. How did that play out . Texas, you know, rick perry has been going around the country saying, bring business to texas. And one of the businesses was apple. They were given about 30 million in tax breaks from local and State Government off to come build a mega complex in texas. And in austin. For the first time, we asked, well, how are construction workers going to benefit from the project . A million square foot facility. And, no one had even thought about that. No one had thought about the lowest paid workers. They had thought about the high tech jobs it would bring. So we asked that, apple ensure that all construction workers on the project had Workers Compensation which, arent guaranteed in texas, Safety Training and they got paid a living page. Also that we would get to monitor the standard to make sure. Of who the state or apple . The city and apple. They came to the table with us. They agreed to the standard. Over the last 12 months in austin alone we created, ensured 5,000 living wage jobs for construction workers. Apple, we are assuming it will be 1,000 construction jobs. That its the first time those standard have happened in a place like texas. We saw a statewide, legislator this last legislative session try to propose a bill that would make all the work illegal. He took the bill back. After, after some some, encouragement from our folks. Texas is a big state. We dont want to assume from top to bottom the state is incense tich in sensitive or blind to what you are doing. Are there people in the state that have come to your aid . Some have. Not a ton. We have seen a tremendous amount of creativity and willingness to work. At State Government we passed two laws that better protect workers. Protections to hundreds of thousand of workers didnt happen before. We still have a long way to go. When we go to the Texas Legislature and talk about basic things like can workers hatch rest breaks . Work outside in 100 degree heat. The last two legislative sessions they said no. Deont want to give breaks i 100degree heat. Dont want hem them to have legal right. And over a third dont get waume water. Employers dont provide water on the work sites. How does that compare to other states . Other states have rest breaks. Only thing in austin, the city where one of our offices is lope kated, we have been able to get 60,000 workers through a local ordinance, the right to paid rest breaks. We are going to be freeing tryi it in dallas and houston. In dallas, 225,000 construction workers go out to work in the summertime, 100 degree heat, 112 even dont hatch tve the right break. Shouldnt be partisan issue whether workers get rest breaks or paid for their work. But we are up against an industry the largest donor to the Republican Party in texas. It is a as people know is currently a red state. Theyre one of the most important special Interest Groups in the state. So, thats a challenge that weep face. We think about our work, david and goliath story. If they dont live up to it. Austin is going to be angry. Are we going to be angry . [ cheers and applause ] who is your hero in the Immigration Movement in the congress, senate . Or house . Who is going to who has a bill . Luisguttierrez of illinois. He has been there, pushed, not wavered to his commitment in the community and lifting up their voices without a doubt the most important strois fvoice and. And the castros, theyre taking charge at local and federal level in texas being leaders on immigration. Those are people we admire and hope will change texas for the better and change our country. The second largest undocumented population. Yet we had the a lot of legislators not show leadership or courage to move this forward in fact stand in the way of in graduation reform. We were disappointed when senator ted cruz was one of the few people that that opposed even a pathway to citizenship. Opposing nearly 70 of what texans want. That is not the kind of leadership that i think texas wants or needs. Does it end after youve expanded your business . After your companys gone public . And the capitals been invested . Or when your companys bought another . Is it over after youve given back . You never stop achieving. Thats why, at barclays, our ambition is to always realize yours. Life with Crohns Disease ois a daily game of what ifs. 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Like many immigrant families my mom is from mexico i think we are touched by how broken our immigration system is. One of the stories i grew up with, my moms cousin came to the country when i was younger, we were waiting for him to make it to the United States. He never made it. He passed away in the desert. We heard from other workers, other people that were with him. Our family never recovered his body. So it was a story that i really grew up with impacted me. And also, my step sisters undocumented. I see every day challenges she faces about not being able to get a drivers license not being able to study abroad and other students wondering why she cant do the same things as them. And then there is the other message she gets every day when she turns on the news says you are not welcome, you war not wanted you are not equal. And i really wanted to combat that. I could see how it was impacting her. A lot of people come to you, sure theyre reluctant to tell you their stories is that accurate . In the beginning. Now they see other people stand up theyre willing to stand up. Right. What has that been like for you in terms of building the trust of the community . Do you think your own ethnicity has a part . Knowing peoples back grun and what they face really helps to connect to people and understand the organization that theyre coming to are people that, that look like them or understand where theyre coming from. And so its, its that trust that, that allows people to step forward under some pretty extreme pressures and being able to say, no i face this unjustice. I am undocumented and unafraid. Well, actually, for me, really a huge increase. And the living wages are not really going up. It is really tough on low income people. I think, texas is the one, only one, in the whole United States who doesnt require Workers Compensation. And thats really created a gap. One of the stories that has impacted me is the story of santia santia santiago. Rias, working on a roof wasnt given a harness, he fell several stories to the ground. With seriously was seriously injured, a quadriplegic now. Two children. His employer didnt have workers comp either. He had a 900,000 medical bill. He sued his employ year, but because he didnt have any insurance he was awarded 21 million. He has only seen 100,000, all spent on medical care. Who is picking up the cost for him are taxpayers. And, you know santiagos wife, luckily married, cares for him, bathes him, feeds for him. He is one of the lucky ones. He lived. There are thousands of stories like his, with so many workers being injured and killed on the job. So there is the story of a man who was 18 years old. Came to our organization. Had just graduated high school. Thought he would get a job in the military to him that sounded like, a good job. But his mom asked him not to. Thought it was too unsafe. So, instead he got a job doing demolition and construction. Dirty, dangerous work. Making 8 an hour. After a week of work his employer asked hem im to remove mirror, tossed him gloves. Didnt give him safety or equipment. That mirror broke and severed all the muscles in his left arm, hit a major artery. And his employer dont have workers comp. Who is picking up the tab for that . Taxpayers. Thats the kind of thing that we are up against in texas. And texas, one in five workers are seriously injured and go to the hospital. Immigration policy is your your greater concern . I think that, theyre both interconnected. Immigrants rights and workers rights are almost the same issue at this point. For me. But i saw workers rights where i could make the biggest impact. Where it is the place where workers, where, undocumented immigrants hatch the same protections or should have the same protections as a u. S. Citizen. A lot of people dont know that. Every worker in the country, regardless of their immigration status has the right to be paid for their work, has the the right to a safe, work site. What would you say is the most frustrating misconseptembertion abmisconsec . Misconception, undocuments immigrants are stealing jobs and get a free ride. They need to earn their pathway. In my mind they earned it. Doing some of the most difficult, dangerous jobs in our country. We depend on them . Meat packing. Agriculture. Domestic work. Working in restaurants. Unprotected. Unprotected. If we could better protect their rights, if people would understand, one theyre doing some of the most difficult jobs. And that if we belttter protect their rights we raise standard for everyone in the country. The idea people are coming here and taking jobs, taking envelopes full of cash and muling it become to their home towns south of the border, a tired, old idea. And that they get free ride from the government. Undocumented immigrants are excluded from getting benefits and even legal permanent residents until five years after being here are excluded. When undocumented workers are injured on the job what do they do . They go to our hospitals. Truth is, employer, the law is clear. When a worker is injured on the job. Employ yerz are response bum for taking care of the workers. Reality is when there isnt regulation like there is in texas who end up picking up the tab is taxpayers, that is the fault of employers not workers. Talk about the unions, how does that work . What, what, Common Ground do you and the unions have . I find this fascinating. Important to understand we are not a union. We are a Community Group that grew out of a homeless shelter and faith based organization. But we we brought unions to the table to work with us. In the beginning they didnt want to work with us. They saw undocumented immigrants, people we represented as adversaries. They didnt agree with us. When we showed them how many workers were undocumented in the industry they realized that we are not representing the work force. When we showed them how many workers were dying. You know, we did this one event where we collected 142 boots. The number of workers had died in texas that year. They came and saw all the boots and saw family members of workers who had died. And it completely changed them. And ever since then, they have been standing with us side by side, understanding that, the right thing to do is, raise conditions for all workers. Whether theyre part of the union or not. Thats part of the calling of being in a lay bar movement is understanding the injustice to one is injustice to all. I think more than anything. People asked us how have you done these things in texas it is a conservative state. More than anything the stories of our members. You know we feel like we have truth on our side that, everyone in this country for the most part if they have a heart believes everyone should be paid for their work, everyone should be treated safely on the job. You have been with the organization for how long . Ten years. Since i was a baby. My entire life all most. Yeah. Your entire professional career. With one organization. Was that the plan . No it wasnt the plan. I think i thought i would move around go to a different organization. Why didnt you . Because i realize now to build something takes time and commitment. You want few see something through . What do you want few see through . I want to see through, building the voice of people that, usually dont get to be part of our political process. Seeing some one that is undocumented that doesnt speak english, some times even gone to school to the 4th grade. Walk into our state capitol, meet with legislators, give testimony, and work with other people thamet face the conditio and change a law. There is nothing more rewarding than that. I would be committed to as long as it would take. About our members. They dont get to quit. Dont get to say im tired of this life. This is their life. I want to walk along side them. I want to walk along side them. As long as it takes. They have so much courage coming out saying these are injustices i face. Not just for me. But i want to see all workers treated with dignity and respect they deserve. People dont have to think about where their electricity comes from. They flip the switch and the light comes on. Its our job to make sure that it does. Using natural gas this power plant can produce enough energy for about 600,000 homes. Generating electricity thats cleaner and reliable, with fewer emissions it matters. More than a new interior lighting system. It is more than a hot stone massage. And more than your favorite scent infused into the cabin. It is a completely new era of innovation. And the highest expression of mercedesbenz. Introducing the 2014 sclass. The best or nothing. If there is any population as marginalized as undocumented workers its the homeless a cross the country, 1. 2 Million Public School Students are without homes, a 72 increase in the number of homeless students since 2007 the year the recession began. Tonight i want to talk about the ep d epidemic of homelessness, with a woman i have known years, executive director for colgs of the homeless. Mary has been on the front lines of the fight to end homelessness for 25 years. I have supported marys group myself. Despite her tireless efforts, the homeless rate in new york is the highest its been since the great depression. Bill deblasio, elected mayor of new york city tuesday promised through out his campaign to make the fight against homelessness a major priority for his new administration. For the first four years of the Bloomberg Administration i pleaded with the add strags min. And unfortunately, Bloomberg Administration policies have allowed more and more families to end up in shelter, the families are the losers and taxpayers are losers. Now as the bloomberg era draws to a close, republicans in washington try to slash social programs that have kept millions out of poverty, i wanted to talk with mary about the realities of homelessness. How the right created the insidious myth that Homeless People bring it on themselves, how the Real Estate Industry has ravaged the stock of Affordable Housing, and what we can do today, right now to end homelessness for good. Mary m spiriva is a oncedaily inhaled copd maintenance treatment that helps open my obstructed airways for a full 24 hours. Spiriva helps me breathe easier. Spiriva handihaler tiotropium bromide inhalation powder does not replace fastacting inhalers for sudden symptoms. 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Alka seltzer plus night fights your worst cold symptoms, plus has a decongestant. [ inhales deeply ] oh. What a relief it is. We help 3500 people. Feed 1,000 people. Sleep away camp for homeless kids in the summer. Lots of job training for homeless women. We have permanent housing programs. If you read about the coalition you read about the advocacy. The coalition founded in the army 80s when we established a right to shelter here in new york based on state constitution. A lot of the work we do is getting people inside keeping them safe and fighting for housing. The state has a law that guarantees shelter . After the depression there was constitutional convention, because of what new york and the country had gone through. People insisted on inserting the clause into the state constitution that care and aid shall be provided to the needy. Bob hayes one of the founders of the coalition brilliantly latched on and brought litigation. Ed koch settled. Give shelter bed to every man in need of one. Then we had to sue for women. Third time for kids. One of the things i am fascinated by, explaining to people who dont know new york explain what some of the impediments to homeownership in new york are or getting a lease in new york are. At fordable housing problem the Affordable Housing problem has been huge and worse now than ever . Its become so much worse. We have destabilization. In other words, back during the pataki era, they let laws go through so now, landlord if you had an affordable unit if they do a certain amount of repairs can take that apartment and put it on the market rate. For instance the building i live in when i moved in. 25 years ago there were all of us were rent stablized. There are three left. In my building i am living in. You see economic inequality tearing away at new york. Worse now than ever. Feeding record homelessness in new york city. Tonight we have 51,000 people in homeless shelters including 21,000 kids. When somebody has, you know, an illness in their family or, they have to stay home like i did yesterday to take carry of a sick kid. They fall behind in their rent. If they lose that apartment, theyre never going to be able to fight their way back into the Housing Market without help. I will come back to that in a minute. About the, the tand how peope have leases theyre hanging on to with their fingertips. Then they fall through the safety net. They become homeless. I want people to understand, you sort of started doing this when . 1989. Give us a snapshot of homeless not when you first came . What was different then. You were in new york back then. It was you had mass homelessness on the street. Proportionately more single adults. Many had Mental Illness on the street. Complexion was different. Perhaps if you had 3 4 of the population who were single adult. Saw much more on the street. Now we are seeing it inch up on the street. People are shocked when they find out that nearly 80 of Homeless People in new york are families with vulnerable kids. When i came in, it was the beginning of what i call the backlash era. You had a very Sophisticated Campaign on the right to sort of tell people the reason homelessness hasnt gone away. There is something wrong with the people. That they have made bad choices. Theyre fundamentally different than you and i. So, people begin to buy into that. And see Homeless People not so much as people. But as pathologies. Some of them are, and i would look to fienend find your word preventible homeless. Some one has a job. They may be barely making end meet. They have a home. They have an address. They have a lease. They have an apartment. In whatever the five boroughs or where they may live. Then they lose the lease for whatever reason. And then there are other people who, and, and, correct me if ive am wrong, back in the 80s when the state seemed to be emptying out all Mental Health facilities. That is the great lens you should look at it through. Earlier than that in the 60s and 70s, the deinstitutionalization, the hospitals were closed down. But when those people wound up in cities like new york there were sros, cheap housing plagueses. If you were discharged with a prescription bottle and one bottle of medicine to help you. Itch y if you lost your apartment on the Upper West Side you could walk around the corner and find a cheap apartment. In the 70s and 80s when the colegislation was founded the housing dried up. Sros, lost 100,000 units. As a result snuff. What . Condo, buildings. My first apartment was a former s sro. A woman, sunny was a distressed looking woman was standing in front of my building one day. One bright sunny day, this woman standing there, kind of, you know, clearly, with a thousand yard stare in her eye. I said may i help you. Thought there was something wrong with her. She said i used to live in this building. I knew it had been an sro. I just want to say your reaction was the reaction people had back then. Where people allowed themselves to be horrified or, or shaken, you were shacken shaken. Her situation touched you. What happened over the years, people liken it to ape nur nurs burn unit. Couldnt walk two blocks without some one asking for money or seeing severe distress. The right picked their moment. Theyre there because they messed up. Thats what homelessness is. Dont feel so bad about it. Thats the moment i came in. And tried to get the the dave deacons and progressive people to invest in housing based solutions. Rudy giuliani was able to ride the coat tails of ed coakochs investment in housing what you have are koch, mario cuomo with dinkins, housing, support services for mentally ill. Giuliani did a little bit of that. What he did not do was investments. I will say to their credit all three of them used federal resources to get families up and out of the system section 8. So how we wound up in this catastrophic situation in new york is Mike Bloomberg ended up ahousing subsidies for homeless families. Why . The Real Estate Industry . Is new york a place in your opinion, assuming you know a lot about this because of your work with Homeless People, is new york a place where, the Real Estate Industry wants to turn it all over. They want to till all the soil. And condoize, and coopize and build Million Dollar plus homes for as many people as possible is that what it is . I think many land owners, landlord are like that. There are some good people out there. Yeah, trying to maximize profit. Do south work with you . Sure. People in the Real Estate Industry are ben factors of yours. Bruce ratner, terrific guy, helps at are thewalk and mrapss, benefit, but behind the scenes, going back to the lens that you were describing, yes, you have bush cutting federal resources. It wasnt until, you know, bloomberg came in and said i will reduce homelessness by 2 3. Almost immediately after cut off all federal resources you see. Skyrocketing. You think . That money didnt materialize. I think that it is a very different philosophical approach. I as the you said, run the colegislation for many years. You have bad apples no matter where. Theyre a tiny minority. There arent people coming in to game the system. What they say across the board is we will not provide housing we believe that will induce more people to come into the system. Can stand in vocation. They stopped the housing people keep coming they dont have anywhere else to go to. Theyre in genuine need. No way to exit. You have no families. Staying for over 400 days on average. What that does to a child is pretty, pretty grim. So the Gold Standard if you want to take a step back nationally what works the best is federal section 8. A longer term how long . Does not have a term limit. Time limit. People can stay on. Stay on on average of five years. They pay 30 of their income. Whats stow gre whats so great, flexible. Get a job, pay 30 . Or what i described. The section 8 can kick in at higher level. Keep the family stablized so the mom or dad is better positioned because theyre housed to get back and work. I want to talk about the profile of people homeless now. What are percentages of people who have homes and lose the homes and come to you for help . Right now approaching 80 . 80 . Here in new york of Homeless People are families with vulnerable children. You meet these moms, holding down two jobs. But you know to scrape together that first months rent. Security deposit that kind of thing. Take care of your kids. Keep everything moving in the right direction. It is very, very difficult. What is lacking in new york city that investment to get families up and out of the system. So, unfortunately, perception is reality. Stow when we take the subway to work in the morning, we will see, some troubled people. And so, we still make that association. Hopeless to most people. Whats troubling is it is just costing us so much money. The department of Homeless Services budget when bloomberg came in was around 500 million. Now approaching 1 billion. Off up awhy . A why . Shelter is more expensive short term than investing in housing. The piece on the front page of the times. Read about moms working two jobs. Why dent thont they give them 900 a month to combine with their wages. Why . Up aup at philosophical difference. Bloomberg doesnt want to do anything to make it easy. He thinks they have to be fixed. Have off to be fixed before were going to give them anything. Whereas, working, with people, directly. It is interesting that paradigm, you are saying give me the money, fix myself. Fix yourself and ill give youve the money. Dad dad katy perry is coming to town. Can we get tickets, pleeeeease . . . Tickets . Hmm, sure. How many . Well, theres hannah, maddie, jen, sara m. , sara b. , sa whoa, whoa. Hold on. under his breath here it comes. We cant forget about your older sister thank you, thank you, thank you seriously . What . I get 2x the thankyou points on each ticket. Can i come . Yep. The Citi Thankyou preferred card. Now earn 2x the points on entertainment and dining out, with no annual fee. To apply, go to citi. Com thankyoucards start using olay fresh effects. A fresh collection of skin care. Cleanse with swipe out wetcloths. And perfect with bb cream. With skin this fresh, youll need no filter. Get fresh effects by olay. To share with family. [ woman 2 ] to carry on traditions. [ woman 3 ] to come together even when were apart. [ male announcer ] in stuffing, mashed potatoes, gravy and more, swanson makes holiday dishes delicious. Stacys mom has got it goin on stacys mom has got it goin on stacys mom has got it goin on [ male announcer ] the beautifully practical and practically beautiful cadillac srx. Get the best offers of the season now. Lease this 2014 srx for around 369 a month with premium Care Maintenance included. What countries, other countries have you been exposed to, their work and where their getting it right . Do the homeless in the United States have it good compared to other countries. I would say absolutely not. The latter. Dont say sweden. You dont have to go to sweden. Swend aw any western euro countries you had the legacy of the investment in housing. Basing housing. It is an expectation that people, on the dole or whatever, they shouldnt wind up out on the street. The kids dont deserve that. Nobody deserves that. You still have the Lasting Legacy of investment. Where is it good . Good, relative to america, any where you go in western europe is much better than it is here. Because they understand the value of investing in that permanent housing solution. They understand it is cheaper part of the fabric of of a community. You look at for instance chicago, my hometown, rather than building out a huge shelter system they invested quickly in rental assistance. You dent seont see the swollen shelter system. In some ways new york is better, go to l. A. Or down in florida, you have kids, you can wind up sleeping in your car, they dont care. There is no shelter system that has to take you in. So the problem is new york is unique in that. But now the problem is of course that makes sense to have the shelter system if there is a place to transition into. Homelessness, across. Is that a failure of bloombergs to say he doesnt want people too cozy in the shelter but provided no where to go. It will be one of the lasting blemishes on his legacy. To see homelessness. The spike. It was 25,000 when he came in. It is 50,000 plus now. With 21,000 kids every night. But you know, i think whomever comes into office next is going to really have their work cut or for them. To stabilize. And bring numbers down. Lets talk who is going to come into office next. What do you think, have you met with deblasio . Yes, many times as public advocate. What is your expect tags ati . Everything about homelessness is what the coalition is saying. Our work with bill will make the leap. Easy access in. Rational way to get into housing. He takes it seriously. One of his highest priority thousands. This certainly is not easy work for you. Though you are the head of the whole place, you have a certain function, you, you, nonetheless are out there on the streets, you are seeing some pretty difficult circumstances for people. I dont mean people who are so far gone. Are these two that book end the location, theyre far gone. When you look at them, you are just distressed. Uhhuh. Uhhuh. How does that happen . How does that happen to some one . In your case, it is shiny, showered, jobbearing, incomeearning, taxpaying people with kids. Theyre in schools. And it all seems right. Right. They fall through the net and hatch no pla have no place to live. In its own way more difficult to deal with. It is. There are two side to it. Those people inspire me. I see their courage. You know, not, so long ago i met a man, assistant manager of a radio shack in union square. He lost his job because he was asinn assigned to wards island. A great worker. When he was promoted he couldnt get to work on time. Couldnt stay late to lock up because of curfew. He said, mary, i just couldnt tell my boss that i was homeless. And you know that guy the pride. The pride. Afraid maybe he would lose his job. When people divulge are they at risk of losing their jobs. You are seen in a whole different way by some. Met a couple. Had one child in a gifted program. Another developmentally delayed. Both work. Mom lost her job. Dad had to quit working. Navigate, sheltered in the bronx. Meet the mom who will travel for three hours each day to get her kid to the Gifted Talented program. The to the extent that you can say, whats the toll been on you in this kind of worker. Has there been a toll . I dont know if it is a toll. Its sort of sneaks up on you. You know, like over the winter, i was working one night just way too late. Went into the, Brooklyn Bridge subway stations freezing even in the subway. I look around there is 12, 12 men sleeping. Then the train pulls up. There is a homeless person in every car. That eats away at you. But i think it touches everyone. I dont know it eats mr. At me. Going home the past friday. Excited. Beautiful weekend. Going to pick up my son the i pass this guy the you realize tomorrow is not the weekend for him. He is, he is not looking forward to tomorrow. Tomorrow is another day to survive. You know you see that trying to help people so they can stop surviving and start really leading a happy life. You have done this for almost 25 years. Uhhuh. Was that the plan . No. It was certainly not the plan. But, you know i have to say there is something about the coalition that draws in people like you you, can edit this out if you want. But you have been our, one of our leading spokespersons. But my connection to it, to it was you. My connection to it was you. I saw you who made your career doing this. You had given your professional life to this organization. And i thought to myself. Look at this woman who does this. My belief was in coalition for the homeless. My belief was in you. There is something unique about the coalitions founding culture. We are in business to go out of business. This isnt about charity it is social justice, the belief that, home is a fundamental human right. And, i think that we just have also the smartest staff, most dedicated staff. When they come to work every morning. Theyre going to bat for Homeless People. Like, lets get it done. Theyre not interesteden ju ein the photoop, what is the next thing. Theyre interested in solving huge problems. If deblasio offered you a position would you take it . I am not sure. Do you see that work as a path to reform or change . Many people, you want to be on the outside . I guess i should think more about those questions. I guess i dont. I, i whether it is with deblasi or andrew cuomo, people are serious about, investing the resources and making those radical changes. I will do anything to be supportive. Do you see, right now, you dont see any end date for you doing this . No. I dont. I dont. You still enjoy doing it . Very much. Is there a documentary film or book you recommend people to read. George orwell down and out in paris and london. Because that to me gets into heres George Orwell, he talks about, sorry, i am going to get choked up, what it is to struggle every day and to work until your fingers bleed and to go to sleep freezing at night, and and it restores the humanity, these arent just numbers. These arent just somebody you are never going to talk to. To hear George Orwell talk about it thats what we see in the office of the coalition every day. Thank you. A pleasure. I want to thank my guests today. I hope their stories and their work inspire you as they have inspired me. You can find out more about them and the work they do at coalitionforthehomeless. Org and workersdefense. Org. Join us next week i will talk to actress ellen barken, her return to the movies, the men in her life on and off, and tony ward for revival of the normal heart. Ellen barken, next friday, up late. [ male announcer ] with only minutes left before kickoff, thousands of tailgaters realized they needed one thing. And fast. 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