philip rucker and carol lennig. nbc news has not independently con firl them. here is one of the excerpts i think is among the most startling. milley saw trump as a classic authoritarian leader with nothing to lose. he had earlier described to aides that he kept having a stomach-churning feeling that some of the worrisome early stages of 20th century fascism were replaying in america. he saw parallels between trump's rhetoric about election fraud and adolf hitler's insistence to his followers at the nuremberg rallies that he was both a victim and their savior. this is a reichstag moment, milley told them. what do you make of that? >> i would have to be sitting in the room when mark said that. i know him to be a very sober man, a very good academic as a matter of fact. he didn't go to west point, he went to princeton. i think he was probably drawing a political -- a historical