of the house ways and means committee. congressman boyle, welcome back to the sunday show. can you shed any light on the haggling over the top line number, if it's in line with a number in the debt ceiling deal last spring, will it be considered a breakthrough? >> great to be back with you, jonathan. yes, it's déjà vu all over again. we are back here talking about an impending government shut down because the house republicans just can't get their act together. basically, the only thing they agree on is attempting to impeach joe biden. that's it. they have have absolutely no policy agenda. so what they will find themselves getting back to is essentially the figures that we have negotiated in good faith and that kevin mccarthy agreed to, and that two thirds of house republicans voted for in june. at that time, we were also raising the debt ceiling for approximately a year and a half. i do believe ultimately, in

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Flight ,Number ,Pennsylvania Congressman Brandon Boyle ,Sunday Show ,Debt Ceiling ,Line ,Line Number ,House Ways And Means Committee ,Spring ,Haggling ,Republicans ,Government ,House ,Yes ,Breakthrough ,Fact ,DÉja Vu ,Joe Biden ,Figures ,Thing ,Faith ,Policy Agenda ,House Republicans ,Half ,Kevin Mccarthy ,Two ,

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