virginia and america, let him vote no in front of the whole world. >> and so let me bring back into the conversation nbc's julie tsirkin. you were mentioning senator sanders there before we played all of that sound from senator manchin and senator sanders and there you have senator sanders saying, you know what, senator manchin should have to vote on these -- on build back better, go on the record with the american people, but the people of west virginia on his opposition. how likely is that to happen? >> well, look, senator manchin has been calling for a vote for the last month at least. he said, i don't set the floor schedule, i don't determine the votes, but if they want to have a vote, let's vote for this bill. he will vote no as he indicated today. you heard from senator bernie sanders, he wants a vote on this. dick durbin has been saying let's put this on the floor. the only person who hasn't been