looked at his elections. -- but i think he's a decent man, who is telling the truth. and he is an alternative, because people in the republican party aren't buying that alternative. >> christina, real quick? >> agreed, and i think -- i'm trying to get speaker fees down the line. >> and i would like to give a sense, governor hutchinson his props. he is the only candidate for the republican nomination to actually come on the saturday sunday show. so, thank you mr. governor. and thank you stewart stevens, and christina greer for coming on the show this evening. programming note about tonight. -- host special coverage of mondays i ve caucuses, with an exclusive first look at the new pollests from nbc news, the des moines register, and media con. watch tonight, at nine pm eastern, on msnbc. and ahead on the saturday show, with yet another government shutdown deadline in six days. a spending deal in jeopardy.