assassinate someone, a political rival. the other part that wasn't said, but goes with this victimhood cult, is that he may have to do it to protect them, and to protect himself. >> you know claire, we've got about a minute before we have to take a real quick break. but, what about this notion. i think we had on our air someone who was being interviewed, who basically said trump is taking all of the hits for us, because that really coming after us. this person was parroting trump's own argument. >> yeah listen, this guy is a marketer, he has, his integrity is rock-bottom, his character is laughable. but he is a marketer, that's all he's ever been in his life, a huckster and a marketer and a con man. and he knows how to do that. he knows how to tap into that vein of grievance, in a way that no other person running for the highest office in the country's ever dared to do. that's who he is. you know, he's not campaigning in iowa, he's campaigning in the courtrooms.