about him, here he is saying something weird about voting. >> what's your message for voters of color who are concerned that without the john lewis voting rights act they're not going to be able to vote in the midterm. >> well the concern is misplaced because if you look at the statistics, african american voters are voting in just as high percentage as americans. recent survey, 94% of americans thought it was easy to vote. this is not a problem. >> okay, first of all the freudian slip aside of whether he thinks black people are americans stewart, what he just revealed is the motive. he just gave away the motive to the crime, ron brownstein writes about this, wrote in 2021, reupped it recently, with their drive to erect new obstacles to voting, particularly across the sun belt, republicans are stacking sand bags against a rising tide of demographic change, kids of color are now a

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Color ,Something ,Voters ,Concern ,Voting ,Message ,Midterm ,John Lewis ,Voting Rights Act ,African Americans ,Problem ,Survey ,Statistics ,94 ,People ,Crime ,Motive ,Americans Stewart ,Freudian Slip ,Ron Brownstein ,It ,Republican Party ,Kids ,Change ,Drive ,Obstacles ,Tide ,Sand Bags ,Sun Belt ,Reupped ,2021 ,

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