oluseyi astrophysicist professor at george mason university and president-elect of the national society of black physicists. i'm so excited to have you here. i bet when you woke up this morning you envisioned we'd be having this conversation. anytime something happens in space we got to talk about it. >> that's right. >> i am so confused. how does this telescope see into time? how will this explain to us what happened so long ago? i mean, we're talking about the infancy of earth. >> i know, right? it sounds crazy but it is real. it's 100% real. the thing about it is a lot of this fancy stuff we talk about in physics that has to do with the cosmos is happening in your life on a smaller scale but you just don't notice it. if you're sitting across the room talking to someone, the light takes time to leave them and pass to your eye. you're seeing them as they were some fraction of a second. so the farther you go the longer