that well, if trump actually met and knew maxwell, why exactly is he wishing her well? and what effect could that have on the trial? you're right in that the prosecution and the court has limited this, limited it even to just four victims, not the many more victims of epstein that has been guessed at. >> and is that a tactic? we were talking about this with the producers earlier today. does that get this person on the easiest things to convict her on. if they convict her, she'd spend the rest of her life in prison and it would be implied she's paying the price for anything else she did. >> you're throwing a softball to me, i'm a bias criminal defense attorney. the government wins 90 plus % of its cases result in a conviction of some kind. they don't like to lose. for that reason, they only take to trial the cases that are sure thing, slam dunks, layups, whatever you want to call it. so i have news for you, if there