consumer enthusiasm and spending is up and supply chains are unclogged and yesterday biden released 50 million barrels of crude from the petroleum reserve that should lower gas prices in a few weeks. despite all of that, 70% of americans believe the economy stinks. it sounds like president biden might need to take a page from ronald reagan and learn how to sell, sell, sell. back with me my guests, be ever we jump into this conversation. you had something you wanted to add into the last segment. do that first and then we'll talk about the economy stuff. >> just quickly i wanted to agree with dean. this is not just simple trolling by republicans. these are people trying to create a culture of menace. this is what mccarthy is m would look like with a party with no decency. >> i cannot disagree with you. let's talk about this. this is happening at a time there is a normal political conversation going on among dell