their actions showed just exactly that. i mean, we went 74 days with no arrests. they actually -- this case was almost closed. so yes, they were actually treated like they were law enforcement officers and nothing done about it. >> and do you think ms. cooper that if they had not had law enforcement ties that things would have gone differently or do you think this is simply because your son was a young black man and it wouldn't matter if they didn't have law enforcement connections? >> i think that the mcmichaels being affiliated with the police department played a factor in it however i think that race played a major factor in this all together. >> mr. merit, let's talk about this jury selection. 1,000 jury summons have gone out to find 12 jurors. 1 in every 85 people living in glen county have been called and one to two weeks for potential jury selection. now that you've seen in the