but there is two answers. yes and no. there is one school of thought that said the other 18 defendants go if mr. meadows goes. if one goes they all go. to put it simply. there is another school of thought and i think that this is probably more likely. that you had determine what happens to each defendant on his or her own own merits. remember some of them are not even federal official. some of them would not have any plausible, colorable, federal defense and federal courts. it makes more sense to me that you would determine each one on his or her own merits. >> that seems fair. a random state senator or a publicist for a rapper. at least at this point in our country's history does not count as a federal official. chuck rosenberg, former u.s. attorney. former fbi official. clarion is always. chuck thank you so much. >> thank you rachel. >> we will be right back. stay with us. with us