people who commit potentializing vie leps. someone is going to get hurt. someone is going to get shot. someone is going to get killed. it's not right. >> it was clear s. all the way back in december 2020 that the campaign of pressure and harassment against elections officials by donald trump and his allies, which were producing a campaign of threats and harassments against election officials by his supporters. no one has been killed and thank goodness. but elections work as officials in georgia and across the country are being terrorized and leaving their jobs in droves. we were reminded this week, it is not just those threats being investigated. trump's pressure campaign, itself, is very much under criminal investigation. the district attorney in fulton county, georgia this week moved to empanel a special grand jury in her investigation into trump's attempts to mess with the election in georgia. that investigation center can thes on that infamous phone call to brad raffensperger pressuring