these documents, purporting somebody who should be counted in the electoral college. where this will resolve -- it won't be this one place. we won't know for a long time. what's driving almost all of the developments at heart is the aggressive, comprehensive, wide ranging -- sort of brave investigation of the january 6 attack that is being conducted by the committee in congress that's been charged with that path. joining us now is maryland congressman, a member of the january 6 investigation, jamie raskin. he is the author of the book called "unthinkable, trauma, truth and the trials of american democracy." congressman raskin, i appreciate you talking time on this busy night. thank you for being here. >> thank you, rachel. >> i have tried to sum up a number of developments today. it's one of the days that feels like a whirlwind. can you tell us -- correct me if i got any that was wrong. can you put in your own words what the importance is of the four new subpoenas. mr. epstein is complaining about the fact that these subpoenas are -- we have eric trump