even if you didn't feel like you could do it before, even if you've been holding off for whatever reason, look at it fresh live now. now would be the time. even if it wasn't okay for you before, it's okay for you to do it now. honestly. your country needs you. and if you are vaccinated but you haven't been boosted yet, make your appointment for your booster. now's the time. and i know from anecdotal experience in the part of the country where i live, right now signing up for booster right now it's sometimes hard to find an appointment. the on reason i'm saying that is not so you will be discouraged from getting one, but if you know you need a booster, you should try to make it now because you may need to make it in advance. time to do it. this is it. we'll have more on that talking with a frontline physician. and breaking news we're keeping an eye on, the january 6th