several years and it was happening right in front of us. the congress have change the filibuster twice. mitch mcconnell agreed to changes to the filibuster owner under donald trump to expedite's nominees and appoint new supreme court justices. that's how trump got three supreme court justices and we see it right now. they're able to change the filibuster to what they want to, so if it's good enough for donald trump to the point the new supreme court justices, if it's good enough for a green light for an escapade from a senator to offer -- a that's doomed. if it's good enough to prevent the global economy from crashing, isn't it good enough to change the filibuster protector democracy? that's the argument we ought to be making right now. >> ezra, i'm struck by the fact that the media, by and large, has ignored this, even if they have done a lot of reporting on the filibuster in the seaming stalemate over the filibuster all year long. i'm also struck by the fact