killed him in cold blood. those three men have been on trial for more than two weeks on charges of felony murder, aggravated assault and false imprisonment. they claimed they had the right to chase and detain ahmaud arbery because of that law, and claimed that mr. arbery was shot in an act of self-defense. the prosecutors argued their actions didn't meet the standards of that law, and the defendants attacked ahmaud arbery because he was "a black man running down the street." today, after ten hours of deliberation, the jury reached a verdict. they found all three men guilty of felony murder and false imprisonment. they found travis mcmichael guilty of all nine counts in the indictment. this was the scene outside the courtroom after a judge read the verdict. cheers and chants of "whose streets? our streets." the people unite willed never be defeated. and say his name, ahmaud arbery. ahmaud arbery's parents walked out, hands raised with their