they sent the following note to donors, who had yet to send money to further the republican cause. quote, you are a traitor you abandon trump, this is your final chance to prove your loyalty, or be branded a deserter. a trader for not making a donation to a political party. the editorial board overnight wall street journal, put a finer point on this calculation of the last week, regarding donald trump's vice grip over the republican party. this is their headline donald trump's hostage pub ticks, he says republicans must agree to the 2020 election was stolen or hill ate the democrats. last week, when i was sitting here with rachel, we talk to fiona hill who is a top russia adviser in the trump white house, and has been one of the leading voices explaining how donald trump poses a threat to our democracy. she told us that the people who let out a sigh of relief and trump left office, a relief that our democracy was finally safe. she said that kind of relief