doesn't actually say what any of that evidence is or what he found. he says it all looks bad. you'll recall this is the same so-called audit that kicked off in wisconsin with this special counsel requesting sensitive election documents from clerks all over the state. his initial demand for documents came from a gmail address that populated everybody's emails as john delta. he issued subpoenas requesting every single documented related in any way to the will ex-. he subpoenaed that from county clerks and from the mayors of large cities in wisconsin, subpoenas riddled with glaring errors, including spelling errors and being addressed to the wrong people. ef demanded officials in wisconsin must meet with him in private for an interview, which is not a thing in terms of the way subpoenas work. nevertheless, he demanded private interviews by these sort of subpoenas and people ares supposed to durn u disturb up for the interviews at an office that is like a shared working