that phraseology. do i believe in a nation based on economic, social, racial, and environmental justice, yeah, frankly, i admit it, you got it right here on your show, i believe all americans are entitled as human beings to health care. i believe people are entitled to quality education regardless of their income. i believe that people are entitled to affordable housing. i don't believe that two people are entitled to own more wealth than the bottom 40% of american society. and, by the way, one of the things that's playing out here, rachel, and i don't think the media has paid appropriate attention to it, is that in the midst of all of this, the ruling class of this country, and that is the drug companies, the insurance companies, fossil fuel industry, they're spending hurricane dreads and hundreds of millions of dollars. pharmaceutical industry has 1,500 paid lobbyists on capitol hill. three lobbyists for every member of congress so we don't raise prescription drugs. so this is a pivotal moment in american history, it seems to me, really. and i'm going to continue to