help us get back to normalcy. >> those of us who work in big businesses, offices like i do here at nbc, we see the osha posters, the things that are meant to keep you safe. but we also know that osha, when you were running it, osha today, it's an understaffed place. it is hard to -- you can't get out and police these things. so we actually have to depend on employers who are going to carry out both the administration's mandate but also undertake on their own to get this guy. >> that's right. and you know most osha standards are self-enforced. employers, when they hear that -- any agency issuing a regulation, they don't ask how that regulation is going to be enforced. they say how are we going to comply with that regulation. i think what employers are going to start to do is speak first to their attorneys, to their hr specialists and hopefully their workers and say how are we going to do this so it works for everyone. i'm seeing it already happening