this is the guy republicans put in charge to run this arizona style audit in wisconsin, but look at the e-mail again where this preservation notice came from. his name is on the bottom of it, right, his e-mail has his name on the bottom. but look at the e-mail address it was sent from. it was sent from john delta, all lowercase. from a gmail address? who is john delta, why is he sending a highly important, highly sensitive records request to county clerks from a gmail address. does the real michael gableman know about this? is there a mr. delta? is that a reference to a sci-fi movie i haven't seen yet because i'm an old person now? and that's not the only thing hinky about this. look at that seal on top of it, it really does look like a screen cap of the state seal copied off the web and plopped onto this document. this is not real letterhead. and while we're at it let's peep behind the hood of this document.