skill, combat experience. almost unparalleled among the u.s. military. and that second force was sent in on one of these. a huge u.s. army chinook helicopter. there were 38 u.s. personnel -- excuse me, there were 38 personnel onboard that chinook that went in as that bolsteringr force that night. it was ten years ago this month, it was august 6th, 2011, and that night somehow it may have just been a lucky shot with a om low-tech rocket-propelled a grenade. but somehow, that gigantic chinook helicopter with all l those men onboard was shot down. and the toll was absolutely devastating. everybody onboard was killed. it was 22 u.s. navy s.e.a.l.s, three u.s. air force airmen, five u.s. army and army national guard soldiers, seven commandos from the afghan national army. seven afghan commandos, an