him and his family out and it's just been story after story of these bottlenecks and it not working and glitches. and it's not just zak's story that is familiar by now. it is major schueman's story too. the experience of all of these american combat veterans of the war in afghanistan who are now working what amounts to second full-time jobs, trying to do what the u.s. government as a whole hasn't been able to do quickly enough. individual veterans all over the country cashing in every favor they can, pulling every lever they can reach, trying to get their guy to the u.s. before the taliban get to him first. it is the excruciating story of so many other afghanistan -- u.s. afghanistan veterans right now. just look at some of the headlines about this over the last few days. look at the local papers. look at this. i am begging you guys. ft. myers veteran fights to bring afghan interpreter home to america. that's in ft. myers news press.