representative trey martinez, representative martinez fischer, thank you for spending time with us tonight. first i want to get to the u.s. senate and the legislation there, i think it seems like you have really helped focus and narrow. but i want to ask you what is happening in texas, are you guys going back or are you staying? >> you know, but i am not going back. and as long as congress is working, and it looks like they're working very hard, i will be here. and we're gonna see this come to a head and hopefully we can see a vote in the u.s. senate before the end of next week. , >> i have first heard your colleague jasmine crock in talk about loving but was in the federal legislation but just needing an inch. saying -- making the argument publicly that something, albeit narrow, would be better than nothing. tell me how those conversations have changed the conversations in washington. >> absolutely, well first and