happened a lot in his life. do we know how he reacts to adversity like this? last night i interviewed barbara res. she worked for years at the trump organization. she has a lot of personal experience working alongside president trump in his real estate before before he even got involved in politics. i wanted to ask her if based on all the years she spent working with mr. trump and all the different circumstances she's seen him in, can she give us any advice? is there anything that we the country should watch out for in terms of how he might react being in trouble, how he might react to an accountability moment like this. and her advice on that front was kind of a showstopper. i mean, i'll tell you from my own purposes at that point i kind of thought the interview was going to go on, but when she said that the only thing i could think to do was to say good night, let's go to commercial, i have to think about this. here's what she told me. is there anything you would say to people who have never dealt with him personally but the country is all sort of dealing with him personally right now in terms of what to expect or how