to put stuff on that server, and if so, doesn't that provide a paper trail in terms of whodunit in terms of this cover-up? >> i suppose i would say yes, but i would include a caveat there. in a normal white house there would be a paper trail. in the previous white house certainly there would have been a written request of this nature. but just to put a finer point on it, rachel, this is a system that is administered by the intelligence directorate within the national security staff. it's a relatively small team, no more than a handful of people, nearly all of whom if not all of whom come from the intelligence community. they have expertise and extraordinary experience in dealing with covert action and the most sensitive information in the government's possession. so essentially they are trusted to do that. we saw some interesting reporting earlier today, i believe it was, that national security council lawyers, and this was according to the white house trying to explain this away, that the deputy