asking questions in 30-minute uninterrupted blocks than you are in five-minute increments where you ping pong back and forth all the different members of the committee therefore, you should do the staff questioning part first, or at least at a very convenient time to be covered on tv if you did that first, then all of you individual members of congress could follow up yourselves with your five-minute questions thereafter it's a lot more cogent and easy to follow when it's staff lawyers doing the questioning in awn interrupted way. start with that. how about that just a thought free advice. i'll take the change anyway, so the back half of the corey lewandowski hearing, the first half is him answering questions from all the committee members. the back half of the hearing is him answering questions from a lawyer who is working for the committee. and from the point of view of what the committee was getting at, that part went comparatively well for example, in no time at all the committee staff lawyer got corey lewandowski to admit that he had lied in an interview earlier this year when he said he couldn't recall any conversation that he had with the president about jeff