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Grossing you out, im sorry. When i was leaving washington to come back to new york this morning, i picked up the print versions of the Washington Post and the New York Times with their big shutdown stories today. Shutdown, shutdown in big type, right . But i also picked up the Washington Times, which is a conservative newspaper. Theyre a really conservative newspaper. They really only market themselves to conservatives. So the one big inhouse ad theyve got in the paper today is this one, which is selling Washington Times tshirts which say conservatives are cool and the os are hipster glasses. The only other ads they have are these halfpage ads and they advertise eight talk radio shows and all eight of them are old right wing white guys, 8 for 8. They have an expensive wrap around news ad. It must have been expensive, its for the nra. It highlights this inspiring story of a young woman with a gun who says she wants to grow up to an nra lobbyist. Aw. Theres one book review today, a biography of fdr and the Washington Times reviewer gets so worked up in condemning the predations of fda as a sexual adventurer. Wow, really . That the Washington Times reviewer sort of forgets to review the book. Yes, this is technically a book review but did i mention how terrible fdr was . Conservative media exists in print and it is just as weird there as it is on tv and on the far side of your radio dial. It is a completely different universe to the rest of the media world at least. So where the rest of the world is marveling today at shut down, shut down, shut down, the largest government on earth in nearly 20 years is shut down. Heres the front page of the conservative newspaper, the obama care drama. Theres apparently something to do with obama care and too much abortion. In the Washington Times, they put it in the same font and type size its up top, there it is, as the date of the paper. See right there below the date . Yes, technically there it is. No need to make a big deal out of it shutdown. The one article they have on the shutdown is on the inside paper on page 6 and on the headline, you can see how it really is no big deal. Shutdown poses little threat to national economy. Nothing like the obama care drama, something, something abortion. A trip to conservative media land right now is a trip to a very different experience than the rest of the country thinks we are having. At the fox news channel, they are not calling it a shutdown of the government. They are calling it a slim down of the federal government. Not a shut down at all, a slim down. And as these things do, what happens first in the conservative media is now crossing over into official republican politics and now the Republican Party Senate Campaign committee is saying its not a shut down, its not a slim down even, its a slow down. Take a load off, theres no crisis here, this all sounds kind of good. They want you to know from the head line, this is not actually a shut down. At the daily caller, they have admitted its a shutdown because they have found 11 reasons to love the shutdown, its awesome. Taking a trip to the conservative world today is taking a long strange strip away from what the Government Shutdown means. It is different there. These are the 80 republicans members of the house to wrote to House Speaker john boehner just over a month ago demanding that Speaker Boehner shut down the federal government, demanding specifically he make the funding of the federal government contingent on dismantling health care reform. He got 80 signatures from that letter and himself and his republican colleagues before he sent the letter to Speaker Boehner demanding a shutdown of the 80 who signed the letter, 78 are white, 76 are white, overall latinos are 17 of the average house district, but for these guys disabilities its less than 10 . President obama won the last election by millions of votes but not in these guys districts. In these guys districts, president obama lost by an average of 23 points. Republicans in the states have gerrymandered these districts so that they are essentially pure republican. In order to get them that way and keep them that way, they have to keep making them whiter and whiter and whiter. If they could make them more male, im sure they would do that, too. White works for now. Lower education levels work and they have to be rural in order to create districts that safe for these guys. Republicans have had to create districts for themselves that are less and less diverse over time, even as the rest of the country gets more diverse. Crunching the numbers, he found these 80 members represented an america where the population is getting whiter, where there are few major cities where obama lost the election in a landslide and where the Republicans Party is becoming more dominant and more popular. In the rest of the country, in our own national politic, each of these trends is reversed. So the faction that demanded it from john boehner a month ago and has it on the term they demanded, they represent geographically specific slivers of the country are rural and as close as you can get to 100 republican. Those specific members of Congress Want a Government Shutdown, to want the most controversial stance they can take against the president who so unpopular in their districts. Why is it rational for the Republican Party to let those folks drive for the whole party and to the whole country . Yes, there are 80 republican members of the house at least whose narrowly drawn disabilities make a shutdown seem like good politics. Theyre never going to go home and listen to an angry town hall about why did you shut down the government . The only anger theyre going to hear is that they didnt go far enough. If someone wants to poll about secession from the country in those districts, i bet youll find some eye opening opinions there as well. The question is why that group is now setting policy for the whole party and, therefore, for the whole country. And what would you do right now if you were a republican who did not agree with those folks in your own party . What would you do . Even if you were a conservative, if you were a conservative in the Republican Party right now and you did not agree that there should be a shutdown. Inside your party right now, inside the house, what would you do if the agenda that was being followed was the agenda of those 80 members of congress who will never, ever, ever have to answer for shutting it down . What would you do if you didnt agree . Joining us now is one of only ten republicans in the house of representatives who says that we should just pass a clean, standalone bill to fund the government and stop the shutdown. Hes home to one of the highest numbers of military service personnel. Thank you for being with us. Nice to join you, rachel. Maybe as a House Republican you know and we dont. How long do you expect the shutdown to go on . It will probably go on a few days. The gerrymandered districts, youre on to something there. Conversely there are just as many skewed hard democrat. So i tell you, both sides have contributed to the disfunction we have up here. I believe that gerrymandered districts are the principle cause of gridlock in washington. Next time we have these redistricting efforts, certainly in virginia, we got to do something about this. Its not right for our country. If we do nonpartisan districting, some states do that. If we have a National Standard for expert redistricts that was not done by one of the parties for their own advantage, do you think any of the republicans would support that . Well, theyve got to. I tell americans in our district, look, weve got to be involved in this process because we really cant continue this way. And, rachel, some of the things you said i agree with but some i sharply disagree with. That wont surprise you. Those 80 members committed to a shutdown, i disagree with that. Ive never heard that privately or publicly. Since ive been in office, the house has been dysfunctional, the senate has been dysfunctional. So what do we end up with . Continuing resolutions. They harm our country and theyre not right. We were trying to express our best ideas for policy via the continuing resolution. I was one who was saying, looking i dont think that we ought to advance the Affordable Care act. I got a call just yesterday from a union member who was upset, i thought he was going to be upset with me. He said, no, im upset with this law because it affecting his health care. So i think a delay certainly was in order and im sorry i didnt get it. I understand that you and i would disagree about the health of the budget progress but where we are now is pass a continuing resolution that doesnt make policy, thats just a continuing resolution or the government stops. You obviously believe its not worth stopping the government to try to force policy into this process. Well, thats true. You are one of ten republicans who have said this is the way to go, we shouldnt have the shutdown. Thats only 5 of your caucus. I think theres more. I look at this this way. We are down to the lift that we are trying to get across the curb here was the delay of the individual mandate. Wed given up lots of things. Wed actually made major concessions along the way. I was disappointed, maybe not surprised but disappointed that the senate basically told us to pound sand really. I thought we were negotiating and trying in a good faith effort to advance something. But we got down to the individual mandate, the oneyear delay plus the stopping the subsidies of health care for members of congress and staff. Both things i think got to be advanced. But we have to consider the tradeoff, which is a lot of pain economically, damage to our military. And to me it just didnt make sense for to us continue to hurt our economy and our men and women in uniform to advance those two goals. Well fight another day. I do think we ought to stop where we are now and go ahead and fund the government and get us back on track. I hear you when you say that what you have to balance now is the cost of not moving ahead versus moving ahead. Whether or not this was the right place to be negotiating over obama care is a place where we would dramatically disagree. But where we stand right now, you are one of the few republicans trying to get us out of the shutdown and i appreciate your willingness to explain your point of view. Thank you very much. Congressman scott rigell of virginia. It turns out one of the ways members of congress have been coping with the impressive pressures of this week is that theyve been calling on their own friend john barleycorn. If it doesnt mean anything for you, thats what wikipedia is for. Why the house of representatives has sometimes spelled like a distillery in the past couple of days is coming right up. Over 20 million drivers are insured with geico. So get a free rate quote today. I love it how much do you love it . Animation is hot. And i think it makes geicos 20 million drivers message very compelling, very compelling. This is some really strong stuff so you turned me into a cartoon. Lovely. Geico. Fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. [ male announcer ] we all have something neatly tucked away in the back of our mind. A secret hope. That thing weve always wanted to do. Its not about having dreams, its about reaching them. An ally for real possibilities. 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Fourth graders were all set to visit herman the sturgeon this week this friday but the hatchery is funded by the federal government. So the hatchery is closed and the teacher took this picture of Students Learning a Government Shutdown means. To the disillusionment of the fourth graders in oregon today and finance losses of more than 800,000 federal employees who will be missing paychecks as long as this goes on, not to mention all the work that goes on. Today there was one halfhearted effort in congress to try to stop at least some parts of the shutdown. Republican House Speaker john boehner proposed opening just some select parts of the federal government, really visible ones that people might complain about like, say, the v. A. Or National Parks. One by one republicans proposed they would just reopen things that they liked or were already missing or they were hearing complaints about, otherwise they would let the shutdown go on. Tonight the house voted on three separate piecemeal bills to fund the National Parks and v. A. And city government. All votes failed. So that was like plan k. Plan l . Maybe plan m . Its hard to keep track. Is there a next plan and is it likely to work. Joining me is congresswoman Louise Slaughter. Thank you so much for being with us tonight. Dont we live in interesting times, rachel. That is an ancient curse for a reason. What has it been like for you watching republicans maneuver themselves into the shutdown and not watching themselves try to get out. If i tell you every now and then you have to be really harsh with your brain and say please dont try to process that, it doesnt make any sense and its giving me a headache. Its been absolutely awful. All of this, all of this is about stopping giving 30 million Americans Health care. I just asked republican congressman scott rigell if he sees light at the end of the tunnel there. He says he thinks theres hope, that people will come away to his way of thinking i learned just before i left the capital that were going into committee to give those bills a rule so they can pass them just by majority vote. They will send it to the senate and senator reid will send it back. After they got cloture on the bill in the senate, they didnt have to vote on that party anymore. So all theyre doing are amendments and so therefore senator reid only has to get 51 votes. Theyre desperate to get out of that. This whole conference idea was to get them back up to the 60 vote necessary pledge they made. I would love to see that go. But thats what that was about. And did you hear about kantors picture today . With the appointed conferrees and empty chairs . Eight white guys. I went down today to tell them by this afternoon 7. 5 Million People had accessed new york states own health exchange, how about that and they had glitches all day long. Thats 10 of the population of the state of new york. Wow. What do you think about what theyre trying to do what they tried to do today and what theyre trying to do tomorrow in terms of this piecemeal approach to funding . Whats your approach to that . They high fived whatever. Im not that hip. They were just gleeful last night, they were giddy on shutting down the house. I think this, as you know, is senator ted cruzs strategy. I think they will continue doing that. One of the last members said the two agencies open will be the epa and i dont believe theres some wideeyed group making people do want they want to do. Yesterday of the first time they had any break at all. Peter king thought he had 25 people. I think he ended up with two. Ive been around here too long. Ive been through this. I went through the Clinton Health care bill. And i want to tell you, we went through the same kind of thing. It was trying to stop it. But, you know, youve been on to this for quite a while. What theyre afraid of is success. I would think with 7. 5 Million People wanting to find out what its all about, it looks pretty good to me. Congresswoman Louise Slaughter, i was flipping back and forth all night seeing you Holding Court in the rules committee. Thank you for being up there and being consistently entertaining in how you were addressing the issues, kept me up. Well, thank you. Congressional behavior, at least on one side, has been enough to kind of make you wonder what were they drinking. Seriously, though, what were they drinking . Because they were drinking. Do you think cataclysmic political news happens by itself . No, it needs lubrication. Weve got the details next. [ male announcer ] when mr. Clean realized the way to handle bigger, tougher messes was better leverage, he created a magic eraser with an attachable handy grip. It gives you the leverage you need to tackle tough kitchen messes and big bathroom grime, too. Mr. Cleans new magic eraser handy grip. Bob will retire when hes 153, which would be fine if bob were a vampire. But hes not. Hes an architect with two kids and a mortgage. Luckily, he found someone who gave him a fresh perspective on his portfolio. And with some planning and effort, hopefully bob can retire at a more appropriate age. Its not rocket science. Its just common sense. From td ameritrade. Yeah . Then howd i get this. [ voice of dennis ]. Safe driving bonus check . Every six months without an accident, allstate sends a check. Silence. Are you in good hands . And youre not very proud of that. But tonight he made pizza. With johnsonville italian sausage. And everybody loved it. And youre definitely proud of that. Johnsonville. Served with pride since 1945. So the Government Shutdown a crisis we could see coming from a long way off. We knew in advance when it was going to happen. Thats why we were able to have countdown clocks, that everyone happen, including us, on our screen, as we calibrated done to the very last minute when this huge news was going to occur. When you know if advance that its going to be huge news and you know in advance when that huge news is going to happen, that is a great time to plan ahead to bury some other news that you really dont want to get much notice. So in the last would you mean of days we have had the marine corps announce the forced retirement of two marine corps generals, specifically for poor performance on the battlefield in afghanistan. Its the first time its happened in the u. S. Military since 1971 in vietnam. And we had a withdrawal for one of the top energy regulators. He was nominated by president obama, he was opposed bitterly from the coal industry. He chose to withdraw his name from consideration in the most quiet of all exits. The United States air force chose this week to announce it has taken action against the number two commander in charge of our Nations Nuclear arsenal and cyber warfare. The Deputy Commander of the Strategic Command in omaha was accused of using counterfeit gambling chips at an iowa casino. Thats what he was doing when he wasnt second in command about our nuclear forces. Meanwhile, members of congress are reportedly coping with the tremendous stress and aroundtheclock hours and allconsuming nature of the Government Shutdown by getting hammered. First reports were on saturday from politicos ginger gibson who tweeted that night that she could literally smell booze wafting from members as they walked off the floor. She said i am not overexaggerating. Buzz feeds kate nocera said she you a members of congress run into the liquor store. Jennifer bendery announced that every other lawmaker smelled like booze. And the government is set to shut down at midnight unless we address this by midnight. The point is, its supposed to be after youre done with your trying times. After. Not when youre in the middle of hurling your entire country into hurling your entire country into the abyss. I got this. [thinking] is it that time . The son picks up the check . [thinking] im still working. Hes retired. I hope hes saving. I hope he saved enough. Who matters most to you says the most about you. At massmutual were owned by our policyowners, and they matter most to us. Whether youre just starting your 401 k or you are ready for retirement, well help you get there. But at least i can help keep their underwear clean. Thats why theres charmin ultra strong. Ill take that. Go get em, buddy it cleans so well and you can use up to four times less than the leading bargain brand. [ female announcer ] charmin ultra strong has a duraclean texture thats soft and more durable to help your kids get clean while still using less. And its four times stronger than the leading bargain brand. Wow, you cleaned up a lot you did too, pal [ laughs ] [ female announcer ] used by more plumbers than any other brand, charmin is now clogfree or its free. [ female announcer ] used by more plumbers than any other brand, at a ford dealer with a little q and a for fiona. Tell me fiona, whos having a big tire event . Your ford dealer. Who has 11 major brands to choose from . Your ford dealer. Whos offering a rebate . Your ford dealer. Who has the low price tire guarantee, affording peace of mind to anyone who might be in the market for a new set of tires . Your ford dealer. Im beginning to sense a pattern. Get up to 140 in mailin rebates when you buy four select tires with the Ford Service Credit card. Whered you get that sweater vest . Your ford dealer. Make my mark i wawith pride. Ork. Create moments of value. Build character through quality. And earn the right to be called a classic. The lands end no iron dress shirt. Starting at 49 dollars. There are not a ton of moments in life where some thing, some news, inspires so much unadulterated glee that you find yourself breaking into spontaneous applause, clapping with happiness. Babies do it all the time because they are joyful little dumplings, yay but for adult, it has to be Something Like winning a Million Dollars on a tv game show or something. You might jump up and down and start clapping. Its a high bar, right . For one contingent in congress, the events of the last 48 hours have been something akin to wing the showcase showdown or picking the right vowel or whatever. From the Washington Post yesterday, on cusp of showdown, house conservatives excited. Its wonderful, said senator John Culberson, clapping his hands, we are 100 united. He was described as giddy over the weekend when she shut down the government. Representative John Culberson shouted out his own encouragement , like 9 11, lets roll. And congressman schweikert was eager, his eyes wide and a discernible spring in his step. For some members of congress, this has just been awesome. Theyve been really happy. Congresswoman Michele Bachmann told the Washington Post, we are very excited. It is exactly what we wanted. The Republican Party took control of the house in the 2010 midterm elections. They got the house, john boehner became the speaker. But before that election, before they even got control of the house of representatives, six months before that election republicans running for congress and conservative media and prominent voices on the right were already promising, already hoping that if the republicans could win themselves the majorities in the house, they would go for a Government Shutdown, even before they got elected. Now, theres going to be a Government Shutdown, just like in 95 and 96. But were going to win it this time and ill be fighting on your side. So starve them of the fun, starve the bee, so to speak . Absolutely and have the courage to shut down the government, if we have to. If we say, look, were in partnership with the american people, were listening to the american people, if the government shuts down, we want you with us. There are a lot worse things than shutting down the government. You know what one thing is . One thing worse is continuing with the government the way it is now. Those were all before the election. Giddy is the used to describe how the republicans felt before winning the election, quote, im almost giddy thinking about a Government Shutdown next year. And mike lee was giddy about winning and then using power in the senate to do just that. It was not a secret that the wave of republicans who swept into office in the midterm elections in 2010 were psyched about sticking a wrench in the government, about making the government stop working. They ran for office promising their base thats what they would do with power if they got it. And starting right after the election, just days after the 2010 election, they got to work on what they said they would work on. Are you willing to participate in what would lead to a shutdown of the federal government to stop this monstrosity from going down the tracks . I think i agree with congressman boehner. We need to do whatevers necessary to make sure this bill never goes into effect. Congressman, would you be willing, you just answered it with health care, but when it comes to fiscal policy, are you willing to participate in a shutdown of the government if its the only way to get the president to come to the table . We will do what we have to do to shut down the government if we have to. You think if that were to happen, it wouldnt be as bad as people think it would be . Do you think shut down ought to be off the table . I think everything ought to be on the table. Most people in my district say shut it down. This country may need some sort of shock therapy. Would it be a good thing fiscally and philosophically to shut down the government and people will say we can go on with the government for a while. I dont think it would hurt one bit. The government is going to have to shut down. If liberals would rather shut down the government instead of making a small down payment on fiscal discipline and reform, i save shut it down. Its been roughly two and a half years since republicans got control of the house in the election. In those two and a half years theyve threatened to shut down the government seven times. They were unsuccessful six times but the seventh time is the charge. This week has not given them a legislative victory or achieve a policy change that addresses problems. They just ran out the clock and got the government to stop working, which is what they said they wanted all along. Theres been a variety of reasons why they wanted it. The only thing consistent is they said they wanted it shut down. President obama said today we need a successful Republican Party, we need a Republican Party thats interested in governing. If we want a stable and functioning government, that is exactly what we need, but that is a big if. And it cant be denied that a lot of republicans in congress now ran for congress by promising their constituencies that if they got to congress, they would use their power in congress to shut down the government. And you can tell from the smiles on their faces Mission Accomplished as far as theyre concerned. Now that we are shut down, why do we think they are suddenly going to get embarrassed about this . Joining suss carol tumulty, a reporter for the Washington Post. Hi, rachel. What is the appeal of a shutdown, going back to when they were campaigning for a shutdown in the first place . If you look at the house of representatives now, the republicans, fewer than onefifth of those republicans were in the house in 1995 and in early 1996 when it shut down. Let me tell you, rachel, you talk to those guys that were here before, they are not clapping their hands because theyve seen this movie and they know how it ends. But i think these men and women ran in a different environment, and they also ran in sort of a mythology about what happened the last time around. And they somehow think it comes out differently. I wanted to ask you about that last point specifically because i have been hung up on this idea that every time i start researching in the conservative media and i look at transcripts of conservative talk radio hosts or i go back and look at old conservative speeches on the subject of the lesson of the 1995 1996 shutdown, i feel like im seeing a pretty consistent revisionist history of the shutdown, didnt hurt Newt Gingrich losing the speakership, bob dole was just a bad candidate and clinton was going to win anyway. I feel like there is a revisionist history. Is that what theyre telling each other . The republicans were really riding high and president clinton was pretty much flat on his back prior to that shutdown. I looked at our polling numbers and going into that shutdown in 1995, bob dole was only behind bill clinton in the Washington Post poll by 6 points. Coming out of that shutdown, he was behind by 16 points. And while it is true that in the next election that certainly sent bill clinton on his road to a landslide in the next election, really resurrected his presidency, but also the republicans will say, look, we held on to our house majority, we only lost two seats and we picked up two seats in the senate. And what that overlooks is what happened in 1996. You get to the middle of 1996 and the polling is suggesting theyre going to lose the house. So what the republicans did is they begin to do a lot of deals with bill clinton, including welfare reform, a crime bill. Essentially it was a sophies choice because they had to sort of cut bob dole loose. They took his best issues away from him. But thats what happened. Karen, in terms of the way that governing is going now in this last couple of years, you coined the phrase this week that this is governing by near death experience, crisis to crisis, to crisis. How does that affect what we can and cant do in this country, not just partisan balance but what were capable of. The most corrosive thing about this is after each of these near death experiences, they havent resolved anything and the two sides become more fixed in their positions in is the first time we have come right up to the 11th hours and the two sides are not even talking to each other. The republicans have made a demand that barack obama is never going to meet and barack obama has decided his preach negotiations with the republicans suggest theres nothing in it for him to engage as well. So were not settling anything with any of these crises. All were doing is pushing the two sides further apart. Karen tumulty, National Political reporter for the Washington Post and someone who has been writing with particularly insightful wit, thank you for being with us. Thank, rachel. What congresswoman Louise Slaughter said just moments ago on this show about republicans and the empty chairs and the eight white guys, hold on, i will explain. Thats next. [ cheering ] [ male announcer ] build anything with the new toyota tundra. Toyota. Lets go places. You see a thumbsup . I do. A guy running away from a swarm of bees . Reality check some 4g lte coverage doesnt look like it covers much. Im kind of seeing bugs. Dots. Cheese . I see the us. I guess . Now i can get the whole picture, thats definitely the United States. Check the map. Verizons 4g lte is the most reliable, and in more places than any other 4g network. I definitely want to switch now this is unbelievable. Thats powerful. Verizon. The lg g2. Featuring an intuitive rearkey design and 13 megapixel camera. Your husband left his cell phone on. And youre not necessarily proud of that. But tonight, he made the pizza. With johnsonville italian sausage. The premium cuts of pork and Perfect Blend of herbs and spices gave every bite even more flavor. And everyone loved it. And youre definitely proud of that. Johnsonville. Served with pride since 1945. Humans. Even when we cross our ts and dot our is, we still run into problems. Namely, other humans. Which is why at Liberty Mutual insurance, auto policies come with new car replacement and accident forgiveness if you qualify. See what else comes standard at libertymutual. Com. Liberty mutual insurance. Responsibility. Whats your policy . One reminder. The Government Shutdown resulted from what was supposed to be an argument about the budget. Democratic senator patty murray is the chair of the Budget Committee in the senate. And for months senator murray chair of the Budget Committee has been asking republicans to conference with democrats in order to reach a budget resolution before last nights deadline. She asked them to do that 18 times. And they said no. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no no, no, no, no, no, no, no, 18 times no. Lets get together and work this out. They said, no. 18 times. No, for months. Then last month before midnight we think we would like to talk now. To make the point that they have been ready to negotiate for hours, at least for minutes. The Republican House majority leader, eric cantor tweeted this picture of the newly picked group of republican conferrees who want to talk about the budget. Quite an array of white shirts. Posed, eight white guys across from a row of empty chairs because the photo is supposed to indicate where are the democrats, empty chairs, empty chairs. Apparently nobody learned anything from the National Convention this year. Debating with an empty chair. Is hilarious. Until the time when you are debating an empty chair and you are losing the debate. Clint. Hold on, that story is next. Before they sat down, one more time, just for themselves. Before the last grandchild. Before the first grandchild. Smile. Before katie, debbie, kevin and brad. There was a connection that started it all and made the future the wonderful thing it turned out to be. At bank of america, we know were not the center of your life, but well do our best to help you connect to what is. So when coverage really counts, count on nationwide insurance. Because whats precious to you is precious to us. Love, love is strange just another way we put members first. Because we dont have shareholders. Join the nation. Baby. Nationwide is on your side we dont have time for stuff like laundry. Were too busy having fun. We get everything perfectly clean by tossing one of these in the wash. And thats it. I wanted to do that. Oh, come on. Eh, thats my favorite part. Really . Thats our tide. Whats yours . Really . At a ford dealer with a little q and a for fiona. Telle fiona, whos having a big tire event . Your ford dealer. Who has 11 major brands to choose from . Your ford dealer. Whos offering a rebate . Your ford dealer. Who has the low price tire guarantee, affording peace of mind to anyone who might be in the market for a new set of tires . Your ford dealer. Im beginning to sense a pattern. Get up to 140 in mailin rebates when you buy four select tires with the Ford Service Credit card. Whered you get that sweater vest . Your ford dealer. Her busy saturday begins with back pain, when. Hey pam, you should take advil. Why . You can take four advil for all day relief. So i should give up my two aleve for more pills with advil . Youre joking right . For my back pain, i want my aleve. The goal its to get every veteran who wants few see the memorial to see it. Well when the government shut down early this morning, one of the parts of government that shut down was the world war ii memorial. And all of the memorials. That however did not stop dozens of world war ii veterans who showed up on an honor flight trip to see the memorial today. Together they walked up, cut the police tape. They removed the barriers that the memorial and they want on in. They had traveled from across the country to see the memorial honoring their service and were not going to let the pesky Government Shutdown get in the way. They are awesome. Some veterans were escorted. Some kept their mouth shut. Some could not resist the opportunity for a self serving photoop to wrap in the veterans glory to lament the closing of this memorial to the honorable veterans though they themselves had voted for the shutdown that closed the memorial. Veterans of course earned the right to visit the world war ii memorial whenever they want. Only right that they ignored the Government Shutdown to come let their journey to washington. Members of congress who made it their own story today, their own hypocritical story in particular, should be embarrassed if theyre capable of it. With that, the same members paid similar tribute to all people serving in military right now. While the men and women in uniform will continue to get paid despite the shutdown, bases across the country are issuing furlough notices to civilian workers who provide a range of services. Marine corps installations, in Northern California and arizona, 3,500 employees. Fort bragg, furloughing half of their almost 15,000 strong civilian work force. Fort bragg cutting back on Family Counseling and survivor outreach. If we as a country feel there is Political Capital and moral investment in making sure that veterans in this country get treated right, and honored, even when we are otherwise having political conflict that screw everybody else over. It is not just cutting the ribbon and getting into the memorial, it is making sure at a time government is shutting down

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