population out of 4. 4 million stops were directed towards black and brown people. again, with that base number, where numerous black and brown officers were implicated in that work. this is the evidence of systemic violence directed towards black and brown people, whether you are a college student like myself, on college campus, or whether you are walking the streets of harlem or detroit, or baltimore, or in this case, memphis, tennessee. >> kimberly, some advocates of police reform have argued that departments will accurately reflect the communities that they have said, that's been a big part of the police, in memphis, 58% of his police warriors is black. i'm reminded of these -- the nature of black police officers, quote, we used to say that if you must call a policeman for oddly anything, for god sake, make sure it is a white one. a black policeman could completely demolish you. he knew far board that you than