i hope we will have some cool or evidence tonight before the clock ticks 12, that we have a deal. but it's very close. and i am optimistic. i am hopeful we will know by tonight whether we're going to be able to have a deal. >> all right, so settle in. this might be a long night for us. white house and house republican negotiators and look closer to a deal in the last 24 hours as we reported last night. this morning republican house speaker kevin mccarthy had this to say. >> i thought we made progress yesterday. i want to be progress again today, and i want to be able to solve this problem. >> now speaker mccarthy has been given more time to solve this problem. treasury secretary janet yellen said today the protected debt ceiling deadline is now june 5th. in a letter to congressional leaders, secretary yellen wrote, during the week of june 5th, treasury is scheduled to make an estimated 92 billion dollars of payments and transference, including a regularly scheduled

Related Keywords

Deal ,Evidence ,Clock ,12 ,Republican ,U S ,Right ,Kevin Mccarthy ,Negotiators ,White House ,24 ,Problem ,Debt Ceiling ,Janet Yellen ,Know Speaker Mccarthy ,Progress Again Today ,Progress Yesterday ,United States Treasury ,Payments ,Leaders ,Transference ,Letter ,June 5th ,Secretary Yellen ,92 Billion Dollars ,5 ,392 Billion ,

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