future repercussions? >> well, i think you are making a really important point. the unintended humanitarian crises around the world or a source of political instability. but i would also make another point. the western world has said that liberal democracy is on the line. and one of the aspects of liberal democracy is to treat those in need properly. that is why this is a moral crisis as well as a military crisis. it needs to be established as that properly. >> david miliband, greatly appreciate your time, thank you for being with, us tonight's last word is next. last word is next. could've delayed telling my doctor i was short of breath just reading a book... but i didn't wait. they told their doctors. and found out they had... atrial fibrillation. a condition which makes it about five times more likely to have a stroke. if you have one or more of these symptoms irregular heartbeat, heart racing, chest pain, shortness of breath, fatigue or lightheadedness, contact your doctor. this is no time to wait. strength doesn't belong to a chosen few.

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