>> that's right. actually there's an interview with one of the detained defendants i believe that aired last night from his jail cell in d.c. talking about how trump had called them to come to the capitol and he didn't understand why trump wasn't speaking out for him, an individual who was caught on camera attacking law enforcement officers that day. and thought that that's why he was there, to basically stand up for what donald trump had said. you hear this in case after case after case. people saying over and over again that they were told that the election was stolen and this was what they saw as the logical reaction to that. they were told there was this massive crime being committed and this is how they responded. the legal question is a really tough one because we have the first amendment in this country. so that sort of has -- there's a path that sort of is blocked off to a certain extent about pursuing trump for inciting a riot effectively. go back to brandenberg versus ohio to look at that case in terms of there are restrictions