and it's heartbreaking, lawrence, doing this work with young people across the country. what's really been devastating for me to see is in 2018, when we started in the wake of the parkland shooting, one of the largest youth movements in american history. people told us, that's great that you're marching, but you need to vote. we did, we voted at the highest rate ever in a nonpresidential midterm in american history and the highest rate ever in 2020. what we're seeing is it's not the movement that's broken, it's the government that's deeply, deeply broken right now, because we can't even protect our own kids, for god's sake. it's unbelievable. i think what we need to realize with this is simply being sad about it, as heartbreaking as it is, isn't what's going to change this, because if that was the case these things would have ended a long time ago. they would have ended way before parkland. people need to be enraged and have righteous indignation about the fact that these things keep happening and realize that the