runs at the time. directly under donald is his finance guy, allen weisselberg, who knows where all the bodies are buried and all the money is. and right beneath him is jeffrey mcconney. he has come before the grand jury, which under a new law new york law means he has immunity for anything he's testified about. transactional immunity. indicates that they are trying very hard to flip allen weisselberg, because that is where he would be most helpful to them, in all likelihood. what did allen weisselberg know, which is everything. and it will be much easier, whether it's a garden-variety tax clay's, or as i believe it's highly likely, a new york state racketeering charge. >> let me ask, let's go a little deeper into this, joyce. this transactional immunity. the new york times reporting that under state law, witnesses such as mr. mcconney, who appeared before the grand jury, are granted immunity on the