now it's time for the "last word" with ari melber is in for lawrence tonight. >> good evening, rachel. to quote rachel on watergate, i'm excited to watch where the grass grows tomorrow morning. >> i know we have to because we know there's going to be days of hearings, into this week and all next week, but i'm already too excited to sleep for anything. >> it's going to be very interesting and every sense of it we'll be watching. i am ari melber in for lawrence o'donnell, and we have a big show tonight. on the eve of these first public hearings about impeaching president trump. and by the way, we get it. it is 2019 and people in the press and in politics say this is big a lot. but this is big. donald trump stands closer to m impeachment tonight than ever before. we're going to begin with the impeachment news but later turn