have such small number of kids that have rare diseases, and to do the necessary tests for drugs or for surgeries or for trials, you have to have the children to do those trials, and sometimes they live in countries where you're not going to be able to have a supervised medical trial in those places. minnesota's the home of the mayo clinic, so i've been involved in a lot of these cases, and you just can't do this. this is not america to send a sick kid off to die. we know that, but we also should think about what this means for us as really a medical mecca. our country has been a lead. we've relied -- the whole world has relied on vaccines that have been developed here and we've relied on vaccines that have been developed in other countries, so this is something that is a world problem that we cannot be as successful of saving kids' lives that are born in america and grow up here unless we also are saving the lives of kids in other countries. >> now, you had this struggle in your own family with your own