campaign, you cannot have any potential biden supporter -- or, biden voter have an offramp and think about somebody like rfk jr., especially for those people who aren't as aware of the issues and debates going on. that is why you see them on a full force offensive to try to administer that. they have maintained all along it is the third-party candidacies that really keep them up at night because as we have seen in the 2020 election, some of these battleground states, katie, decided by 10, 20, 30,000 votes. that is much less than 2% or 3%, in some cases. so, it could be a spoiler effect and i think that is why you are seeing it go so hard now to try to administer that impact as we go closer to november. >> i want to play some quick sound, a political ad released by the biden campaign and it is blanketing the airwaves lately. take a listen. >> i have been a factory worker for 23 years and i know hard work when i see it. i love to tell the story about meeting president biden because when you meet him, this guy is as sharp as a knife.