working, and they're telling me doing it. i'm gonna trip keep trying with pence. but i'm gonna use this crowd. and it's a two layer weapon. it's the actual, just massive, masses of people, the airs, the people who just do what donald trump said. but then, there are the knowledgeable people, the oath keepers, the proud boys, the people who are doing logistics, the people who figured out where the speaker's lounge is. the people who figured out that they need to block the tunnels. the people who were just screaming, we just found from ben collins, it's like a thing in far right-wing circles. who understood, means literally bring a rope? i mean, i want to know who donald trump talk to, after midnight? because you know, he sets up in just cost people -- >> we are gonna get to some of that, because we do get this new part of the timeline, right? so in part of that january 6th, as they said, the next hearing, like lawrence was just describing, is gonna be minute by minute on january 6. and today, starting december, mid december, when the electors