better than almost anybody, both what it was like to be here that day, what it was like to testify about it. and what it's like to try to be part of this community, which is still trying to figure out how people go back to work and do their day jobs after so much violence after workplace, and a community for thousands of people in washington. >> garrett, let me just also, before we let you go, ask just to confirm and let you underscore a remark you may just before you spoke with the officer there. which was, you said you saw members of congress leaving with tears streaming down their face, people crying, having to watch that video. is that multiple members of congress that you saw in that state? >> it is. there is probably a dozen democratic members who attended the hearing tonight just to watch. weren't part of this committee. and when they took that break i was here my post, trying to see, collect interviews, talk to folks as they were coming out. and member every member i
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