bomb thrower -- going out of his way to stay - of course, i don't believe i will have to tonight i, calling the prosecutors an animal, a racist, and a lunatic. i don't know whether it will g and. >> the question i guess is what does it take to get i gotta gorder remember roger stone makin threatening noises that th judge and not gettin sanctioned, really so i think donald trump ha lived in a universe where hi -- have gotten away with. it i would be my question. what will it take? >> there was a gag order on th roger stone case that was a federal trial and i was surprised to witness kathryn cushion is one of th -- apparently in new york criminal cases, it is very har to get a gag order more so than in federal cases. -- threaten objects so in this case, the drug is already warning, literally, da one of the arraignment, warning, he is very concerning language that he has there, he is warning --