Option he has to satisfy a split caucus in some regards, but a caucus that has voted 43, 42 times to defund obamacare. I think that this is a serious generational move for the Republican Party. And theyre going to have to make a decision tonight as to whether they as to whether they want to continue to fund this government or not. Lets go to martin, i want to ask you. The options of the president right now. If he ever had had an opportunity to be determined, this would be the moment. I think it is, ed. But i think also, its worth remembering that this reform of health care is not just something that he saw as a policy and philosophically. It comes from his personal life. Because of what happened within his own family. And here is the president. And the president , i believe. Responsibilities of the constitution endows to congress, two should be fairly simple. Pass a budget, and pay americas bills. But if the United States congress does not fulfill its responsibility to pass a budget today, much of the United States government will be forced to shut down tomorrow. I want to be very clear about what that shutdown would mean. What will remain open and what will not. With regard to operations that will continue. If youre on Social Security, you will keep receiving your checks. If youre on medicare, your doctor will still see you. Everyones mail will still be delivered. And Government Operations related to National Security or Public Safety will go on. Our troops will continue to serve with skill, honor and courage. Air traffic controllers, prison guards, Border Control will remain on their posts. But their paychecks will be delayed until the government reopens. Nasa will shut down almost entirely, but Mission Control will remain open to support the astronauts serving on the space station. I also want to be clear about what will change. Office buildings would close. Paychecks would be delayed. Vital services that seniors and veterans, women and children, businesses and our economy depend it on would be hamstrung. Business owners would see delays in raising capital, seeking infrastructure permits, or rebuilding after hurricane sandy. Veterans who have sacrificed for their country will find their support centers unsatisfied. Tourists will find every one of Americas National parks and monuments from yosemite to the smithsonian to the statue of liberty immediately closed. And, of course, the communities and Small Business that is rely on these National Treasures for their livelihoods will be out of customers and out of luck. And in keeping with the broad ramifications of a shutdown, and i think its important that everybody understand the federal government is americas largest employer. More than 2 million civilian workers and 1. 4 million active duty military serve. In the event of a government shutdown, hundreds of thousands of these dedicated Public Servants who stay on the job will do so without pay. And several hundred thousand more will be immediately and indefinitely furloughed without pay. What, of course, will not be furloughed are the bills that they have to pay. Their mortgages, their tuition payments, their car notes. These americans are our neighbors. Their kids go to our schools. They worship where we do. They serve their country with pride. They are the customers of every business in this country. And they would be hurt greatly. And as a consequence, all of us will be hurt greatly should congress choose to shut the peoples government down. So a shutdown will have a very real Economic Impact on real people. Right away. Past shutdowns have disrupted the economy significantly. This one would too. It would throw a wrench into the gears of our economy at a time when those gears have gained some traction. Five years ago right now, our economy was in meltdown. Today our businesses have created 7. 5 million new jobs over the past threeandahalf years. The Housing Market is healing. And our deficits are falling fast. The idea of putting the American Peoples hardearned progress at risk is the height of irresponsibility. And it doesnt have to happen. Let me repeat this. It does not have to happen. All of this is entirely preventible if the house chooses to do what the senate has already done. And thats the simple act of funding our government without making extraneous and controversial demands in the process. The same way other congresses have for more than 200 years. Unfortunately, right now House Republicans continue to tie funding of the government to ideological demands like limiting a womans access to contraception or delaying the Affordable Care act. All to save face after making some impossible promises to the extreme right wing of their party. So let me be clear about this. An important part of the Affordable Care act takes effect tomorrow. No matter what congress decides to do today. The Affordable Care act is moving forward. That funding is already in place. You cant shut it down. This is a law that passed both houses of congress, a law that bears my signature, a law that the Supreme Court upheld as constitutional. A law that voters chose not to repeal last november. A law that is already providing benefits to millions of americans in the form of young people staying on their parents plan until theyre 26. Seniors getting cheaper prescription drugs. Making sure that Insurance Companies arent imposing lifetime limits when you already have health insurance. Providing rebates for consumers when Insurance Companies are spending too much money on overhead instead of health care. Those things are already happening. Starting tomorrow, tens of millions of americans will be able to visit healthcare. Gov to shop for Affordable Health care coverage. So americans who have lived for years in some cases with the fear that one illness can send them into bankruptcy, americans who have been priced out of the market just because they have been sick once, theyll finally be able to afford coverage. Quality coverage. Many of them for the first time in their lives. Some of them may be sick as we speak. And this is their best opportunity to get some security and some relief. Tens of thousands of americans die every single year, because they dont have access to Affordable Health care. Despite this, republicans have said that if we lock these americans out of Affordable Health care for one more year, if we sacrifice the health care of millions of americans, then theyll fund the government for a couple more months. Does anybody truly believe that we wont have this fight again in a couple more months . Even at christmas . So heres the bottom line. Im always willing to work with anyone. Either party. To make sure the Affordable Care act works better. To make sure our Government Works better. Im always willing to work with anyone to grow our economy faster. Or to create new jobs faster. To get our fiscal house in order for the long run. Ive demonstrated this time and time again. Oftentimes to the consternation of my own party. But one faction of one party in one house of congress, in one branch of government, doesnt get to shut down the entire government just to refight the ruts of an election. Keeping the peoples government open is not a concession to me. Keeping Vital Services running and hundreds of thousands of americans on the job is not something you give to the other side. Its our basic responsibility. Its something that were doing for our military. And our businesses. And our economy. And all the hardworking people out there. The person working for the Agricultural Department out in some Rural Community out there helping some farmers make sure that theyre making some modest profit for all the hard work theyre putting in. Theyre the person working for hud, who is helping somebody buy a house for the first time. Theres somebody in a v. A. Office counseling one of our vets who has ptsd. Thats who were here to serve. Thats why were supposed to be carrying out these responsibilities. Thats why we should be avoiding these kinds of constant brinksmanship. Its something that we do in the ordinary process of this extraordinary system of government that we have. You dont get to extract a ransom for doing your job. For doing what youre supposed to be doing anyway. Or just because theres a law there you dont like. The American People sent us here to govern. They sent us here to make sure that were doing everything we can to make their lives a little bit better. To create new jobs, to restore economic security, to rebuild the prospects of upward mobility. Thats what they expect. And they understand that there are differences between the parties. And were going to be having some tough fights around those differences. And i respect the fact that the other party is not supposed to agree with me 100 of the time, just like i dont agree with them. But they do also expect that you dont bring the entire government to a halt or the entire economy to a halt just because of those differences. Thats what they deserve. They have worked too hard for too long to recover from previous crises, just to have folks here in washington manufacture yet another one. That they have to dig themselves out of. So Congress Needs to keep our government open. Needs to pay our bills on time. And never, ever threaten the full faith and credit of the United States of america. And time is running out. My hope and expectation is that in the 11th hour we are once again, that congress will choose to do the right thing and the house of representatives in particular will choose the right thing. Thank you very much. President obama speaking, live. In the Briefing Room at the white house. It is the 11th hour. We are headed towards a shutdown. President obama standing his ground, quickly explaining to the American People exactly what the effect of a shutdown would be, how many people would be affected, how this country would be running at the time. And detailing basically the damage that would take place. For more on this, let me bring in jim clyburn, congressman from south carolina. Congressman, good to have you with us tonight. I know that you have said on my radio show that you think that this is all about the president. And obstructing him and tarnishing this president and his legacy. I want your reaction to what the president just said and how he just took this first 12 minutes of this hour to explain what will happen if we have a shutdown. Well, first of all, thank you so much for having me. You know, i think that the American People watching the president in this statement got a glimpse of exactly whats going on here. We are in freefall when it comes to doing the peoples business. For some strange reason, the republicans seem hell bent on taking this country to the brink. And their president is laying out, once again, how unnecessary it is for us to be doing this. The president has accepted the number that the republicans put forth. It was not the number that we wanted. The democrats had a budget bill of 1058, and they didnt like that. They came with a number of 988. The president accepted that. The senate grood agreed to it. And we have said on the house side that well vote for that. Thats a compromise. Now, to say that thats not enough, that the president must give up on his Landmark Program of health care doesnt make a whole lot of sense. And it ought not be in this debate. But the president ought to be negotiating on the full faith and credit of the United States of america does not make sense. We compromised over policies, over budgets, and thats what we have done. And we have agreed to that number. The American People know that we have done that. And i think that Speaker Boehner now has the ball in his court. And they need to sit down, send us a clean continuing resolution. Well vote on that, and then well take the time during the sixweek period to try to negotiate our differences oversee questions trags and whatever else may be out there that the American People will have us talk about. Congressman, the president for the first time, at least first time ive seen him, talk about fighting the results of an election. How much is this all about tarnishing the president s legacy, tarnishing his accomplishments . Well, i think its all about that. You know, these people so its about obama. For years and years. And now they have decided this president is now a legitimate president. This president is not qualified to be president. And now theyre trying to do everything they possibly can to say that this president is not capable of being president. So i think one of the reasons they are driving us to the brink so they can look back in years to come and say that the one time the country did not meet its obligations under the full faith and credit of the country was when we had barack obama as president of the United States. I think thats what this issue is all about. And i really believe that they ought to stop playing politics. We played that last fall. We played that in 2008. And the president won the election in 2008. The president got reelected in 2012. And now he is trying to govern and its time for them to accept the results of those two elections and move forward on behalf of the American People. Congressman, what do you think john boehner is going to do now . Well, i think they are going to bring a bill to the floor tonight that i believe will be a sixweek bill. But from what i am hearing, they once again are going to load it up with extraneous stuff that will be different from the extraneous stuff they sent the last time. And sure. Once again, i believe the senate is going to reject that. So if they bring that kind of a bill to the floor, the American People should know that they are really proposing to shut down the government. Because the president just told him that he has accepted their number, but he is not going to accept all of this extra trainous stuff they have put on these continuing resolutions and that would be effectively shutting the government down. All right. Congressman james clyburn, south carolina, great to have you with us tonight. I appreciate your time. Now let me turn to nbc news capitol hill correspondent, kelly odonnell. Kelly, the president very determined, he is standing his ground. Hes not going to make anymore changes. Telling the house youve got to do what the senate has done, put it into Historical Perspective how many years thats the way its worked. Whats the latest now in this shutdown. What can we expect the republicans to do . Reporter well, i think it will be an eventful night, ed. There will be votes expected, but it will not be in the form the president just said is so critical to prevent a government shutdown. What the house wants to do is to provide for keeping the government open, but with those conditions of delaying the individual mandate and then also a move that hasnt gotten as much attention, but is a critical part of the political messaging thats going on. And that would be to end the subsidies that the government would provide when members of congress and their staff and they extended it to the white house and the president. When they would be buying their own, as employees, health care that the government would no longer provide a subsidy to do that. The reason, they say, is that politically they want to argue that if the senate says no to that, that would be keeping the government open, but having this provision. Then basically the political argument Going Forward from conservatives would be that Senate Democrats want to protect their own perks. Thats the atmosphere that we have here. That i today had a chance to talk to grover norquist, who is outside the capitol with some members of congress from the republican side who were talking about that piece of the legislation thats expected to be voted on tonight. And he said Senate Democrats are not thinking about what its going to look like in the tv ads run against them when they are held to public account by the votes that they take. By turning done things he says reasonable people in the country want to see. By that theyre saying why have members of congress and their staff get a benefit that the public doesnt get. So thats the kind of deep in the weeds negotiating and political rang willing thats going on here. But its going to be a very late night. Ed . Okay. Kelly odonnell, nbc news, capitol hill correspondent, appreciate it. Thank you so much. And one thing that i think is the backdrop of all this, the conservatives have tried to get in the minds of the American People and in some respects worked. We are all confused about obamacare. That none of us understand any of it. Oh, its very easy to understand. And its very easy to navigate through to get more understanding. This is the website, folks. Healthcare. Gov. If you go oh to this website, you will find out how easy it is to read, how easy it is to navigate. All the information, all the basic questions and all the direction you need to take to get involved to get health care. This is a great guide, if i may say, for any of you out there who feel so confused by all of these right wing commercials that are just permeating through your television screen, and also on the sound culture of the country with the right wing talkers of america. And oh, by the way, theres even a 1800number where you can actually call somebody and ask some questions. And that number would be 18003182596. Thats 18003182596. Its right there at health care. Gov. Its not so confusing. Now, if you are a glenn beck did i sign design he will, it would be health care. Gov dumb ass. When we made our commitment to the gulf, bp had two big goals help the gulf recover and learn from what happened so we could be a better, safer energy company. I can tell you safety is at the heart of everything we do. Weve added cuttingedge technology, like a new deepwater well cap and a stateoftheart monitoring center, where experts watch over all drilling activity twentyfourseven. And were sharing what weve learned, so we can all produce energy more safely. Our commitment has never been stronger. Dig its way out of a bush recession when Newt Gingrich shut down the government. On sunday, president clinton compared tonights looming shutdown to the one he faced back in 95. Keep in mind, there was two different things. Number one is the economy was growing. And the deficit was going down. We didnt give away the store. They didnt ask us to give away the store. What they it was more like we got out here on this ledge, please give us some facesaving way to walk back. When we passed the budget balance bill, there is no opportunity for that in this forum. We dont have enough time. Theyre mad because they dont want to negotiate. President clinton is exactly right. No matter what you hear from the right wing media, its not up to president obama to negotiate anything. Its a law. Everything is riding on this guys shoulders. John boehner. Its down to one man. The man who has never stood up to the tea party in his own caucus. Who has really has to do something that hes never really had the character to do before. And thats lead. Hes in a leadership position, but hes one hell of a follower. Joining me now for our Rapid Response panel, katrina vanden hoofl of the nation and clarence page. Katrina, what do you make of the president s position . I thought he came out, gave the lay of the land, preparing the country for a shutdown and explaining it doesnt have to happen. Is this the reaction you expected from the president . I thought it was important, ed, he spoke about how this would have real impact on real people. I thought it was very interesting that he spoke of how the republicans are essentially trying to repeal the 2012 election by trying to repeal through sabotage his signature landmark piece of legislation. And i think in saying that he is ready to compromise, you expose, ed, what too much of the media still does, false equivalents. Next time i hear this is gridlock or a partisan standoff, give me a break. This is about ferocious in fighting between the, quote, traditionalists, the extremists of the Republican Party through sabotage and ctantrum ready to take down the government and put peoples lives in harms way through their politics. So i think he spoke well. He spoke clearly. But the fight is on, and if history is journalism is the first draft of history, we need some real journalism to tell the real story in these next important days. Well, lets take a look back at what john boehner said about a government shutdown. Back in april of 2011. Heres what he said. Republicans have no interest in shutting down the government. Shutting down the government, i think, is irresponsible and i think it will end up costing the american taxpayers more money than were already spending. Clarence page of the chicago tribune, put that in some type of order for us. That was boehner back then. Where is he now . Hes being held hostage by the tea partiers. How else do we read it, clarence . You can certainly see there in that contrast with his current position what katrina was talking about. Wh the republicans right now are divided between what Ronald Reagan used to call the right and the far right. The far right is young folks like ted cruz and others who think that this time is different. But they cant no, different from 1995 shutdown. Or even the 2011 brinksmanship over the budget. But there is no difference here, really. We can see all along the republicans have been pushing hard for a shutdown, because they have no other political leverage to try to block obamacare. And everything indicates that theyre taking theyre the ones who have to take the blame for this. But theyre trying to say that its democrats who want a shutdown. Which makes no sense at all. Katrina, how damaging would it be to the Progressive Movement if the democrats were to move right now . Well, i mean, i think what you need to do is a version of what bill clinton did in 95, which is fuse the battle with strong vision for what the Democratic Progressive Party stands for. I mean, bill clinton had that m2e2 medicare. He wasnt going to allow the party to savage medicare, education and the environment. I think the Democratic Party needs to do more than just be more responsible stuard of dismantling government. It needs to step forward and say we are for jobs, for our justice, for homes. For housing. And i think to do that well so i think its the fight is on. But one thing that is striking to me, i think underlying so much of this, ed, is not just a personal attack on the president , but a fear that obamacare, as its woven into the fabric of peoples lives, as it improves the conditions of peoples lives, will become so successful, and the republicans are fearful of any measure of a government program, like Social Security and medicare becoming becoming part of our countrys landscape. Totally agree. I mean, i think this is a tide thats coming in thats never going to go out. And it would be high tide for the democrats for a long time and smooth sailing. I think this is going to change a lot of peoples lives. And the narrative, clarence, is out there that the president needs to negotiate. What are your thoughts on that . Where do we renegotiate laws . They have been negotiating. I mean, as katrina well remembers. Barack obama from the time he became president was negotiating away from a single payer system, away from a public option toward what we have now. Hes been negotiating all along, and he still said hes ready to negotiate again. Its obviously a nonnegotiable position to go and undo what congress has already voted in and what Supreme Court has approved, which is obamacare. But like i said before, the republicans have no leverage other than taking us all to the brink. And this didnt have to happen, remember. Republicans could have participated in the debate over health care. They say they too want coverage for everybody. But they didnt do it. They didnt engage constructively and still dont have any kind of a viable alternative. Except just to block what there is or delay it for a year. And i think its important to remember, this is about peoples lives. Of course, we look at the brinksmanship in washington. But remember, from meals on wheels to head start, you know, millions of peoples lives are in the balance. And i think the republicans are so cruel to step back and ignore that. Cruel is the right word. Katrina vanden hufl, clarence page, great to have you on the ed show. Um up next, ask ed live. Humans. Even when we cross our ts and dot our is, we still run into problems. Namely, other humans. Which is why at Liberty Mutual insurance, auto policies come with new car replacement and accident forgiveness if you qualify. See what else comes standard at libertymutual. Com. Liberty mutual insurance. Responsibility. Whats your policy . Cashback concierge, here. What is a cashback concierge . Well theres lots of ways you can get cash back. Im here to help you get the most out of your cash rewards. Its personalized, and its free. I want that. We have a concierge at discover, we treat you like youd treat you. Get the it card with cashback concierge. 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We have two parties, and we have one party within another party that will do anything they possibly can to destroy this president. To destroy him in the record books, to destroy him and stop this country any way they possibly can. Its a sad moment for america. But thats the way it is. They want to run the country their way. Not our way. Not by the voice of the people. Our next question is from chaz hope. Why is the gop hell bent on destroying our country . Well, in their world, they think were screwed up. In their world, picking on the poor and picking on people who are less fortunate, thats standard operating procedure. The deregulation and all the benefits to the wealthiest americans, thats the country they want to have. And they will do anything they can to get it. Lets more coming up on the ed show. Stay tuned. Were right back. The deregulation and all the extinction im on expert on softball. And tea parties. Ill have more awkward conversations than im equipped for, because im raising two girls on my own. Ill worry about the economy more than a few times before theyre grown. But its for them, so ive found a way. Who matters most to you says the most about you. At massmutual were owned by our policyowners, and they matter most to us. Ready to plan for your future . Well help you get there. Time now for the trenders. The social media station has decided and we are reporting. Here are todays top trenders voted on by you. Tide goes in, tide goes out. Never miscommunication. The number three trender. Billowing. All of the ideas come to me in the middle of the night. And one night i just woke up and went, killing jesus. What does that mean . I believe because im a catholic that comes from the holy spirit. I wish somebody would do something to block out the voices in my head for five minutes. Oreilly channels a higher power for his new book. You believe the hole spirit directed you to write killing jesus. Yes, i believe that. Im not the chosen one, im just one of many who have been given gifts. I dont understand what youre trying to get at. The number two trender. Texas. This news is hard to keep under wraps. Wendy davis has a big announcement. Democrat wendy davis has decided to run for texas governor. She is a star, an instant folk hero. Wendy, wendy, wendy anybody who can stand on their feet for 13 hours wearing pink sneakers. Weve been hearing that, yes. You can do it in todays top trender, ballot battle. The integrity of our election progress is vital to our democracy. The photo i. D. Law. Photo i. D. Is a part of our everyday life. An estimated 300,000 registered voters in North Carolina do not have an accepted form of government i. D. The Justice Department will file suit against the state of North Carolina to challenge portions of that states highly restrektive new voting law. The Justice Department tackles Voting Rights in the tar heel state. This new law would shrink rather than expand access to the franchise. Theres a direct correlation between the Voter Suppression laws we see going on the books now and the attempt to tamp down on the africanamerican vote. These voting changes were adopted with both a purpose, the intent, and the effect of restricting the franchise and discriminating on the basis of race. My job is to protect the ballot box. This is an intentional step to break the system that was working. Joining me now is eugene robinson, columnist for the Washington Post and msnbc political analyst. Eugene, this is a step up for the obama administration. The Justice Department trying to go down and make a wrong a right in North Carolina. Is this a big turn to the midterms . You know, i think this is a big deal. You will recall that the Supreme Court struck down part of the Voting Rights act, but most of it remains in effect, and attorney general holder is using other provisions to challenge a law that is clearly designed to limit voting by africanamericans and latinos. Voting by minorities. Its a suite of provisions, not just voter i. D. But occur tailing early voting, and ending sameday registration. Other things that put together are clearly designed to keep so many black and brown folks from voting in North Carolina. And its just obvious, and its being challenged on that basis. Are there other states that we can expect this to happen as well . Is because there have been numerous states out there that have had voting laws put in when it comes to i. D. S, and when it comes to hours and eligibility and such stuff as that. I mean, is this going to be what the next year is going to be like . Do you think that North Carolina is going to be the only state that the Justice Department goes after . No, the Justice Department is already on the case, and in terms of texas and its voter restrictions. And attorney general holder has made clear that he would like civil rights to be his legacy. First black attorney general. First he believes that it is unconscionable for the first africanamerican attorney general to preside over at a time when states successfully roll back the expansion of the franchise and roll back the access to the to the ballot box that was hard won by africanamericans during the civil rights movement. So i think absolutely youre going to see more of these kinds of challenges, and the establishment of the principle that, yes, part of the Voting Rights act is out. Congress probably wont fix it the way it ought to be fixed. But the rest of it is in force and hes going to use it. Jeanne robinson, weve seen the news within the last hour. The president has come out and gave a statement on what is unfolding over on the legislative side. It looks like were fed headed for a shutdown or maybe there is a miracle between now and midnight tonight. What do you see John Boehners options at this point, dealing with the tea partiers . Are we headed for shutdown . Well, you know, if it wasnt for bad luck, john boehner would have no luck at all. In a sense, he got himself in this mess. By encouraging or allowing the extreme rightwingers to believe that they could get the impossible out of this deal. It was never in the cards that president obama was going to gut obamacare. It was never in the cards that democrats were going to allow it to be defunded or allow it to be delayed. A oneyear delay would never work, as would be taking effect or the mandate would be taking effect just in time for next years election. Its just not going to work. Its not going to not not going to happen. And i think the president was very clear on that. I dont see the miracle, ed. I see the shutdown coming tonight, and its going to have a real impact on real people. Jim clyburn said earlier in this broadcast, its all about tarnishing the president. Do you agree with that . Oh, i think thats a huge part of it, yes. I mean, you know, lets be honest. Part of it is what i would consider crazy ideology. But a lot of it is tarnishing the president. Cant get over the fact that he is president , and that he has these accomplishments. Okay. Eugene robinson, great to have you on the ed show. Thanks so much. Coming up, failed president ial candidate, Rick Santorum is shooting for the stars in tonights pretenders. Stay with us. O i cook . Because an empty pan is a blank canvas. [ woman 2 ] to share a moment. [ man 1 ] to remember my grandmother. [ woman 3 ] to show my love. [ woman 4 ] because life needs flavor. [ woman 5 ] to travel the World Without leaving home. [ male announcer ] whatever the reason. Whatever the dish. Make it delicious with swanson. 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Or our savory crab and roasted garlic seafood bake. My names jon forsythe, and i sea food differently. [ male announcer ] go to redlobster. Com now to get free crabstuffed mushrooms with two dinner entrees. And in pretenors ricky goes to hollywood. The best supporting actor of the republican primary is taking on the movie business. In an interview, Rick Santorum said the new role as a christian film studio executive gave him insight into his failing party. He says its all about telling a story. One of the reasons the gop has done so terrible is because were not really good at telling stories. Well, we beg to differ. Get your popcorn ready. One of the things i will talk about that no president has talked about before is the dangerous of contraceptions. Horribly created in the sense of rape but nevertheless a gift and in a broken way the gift of human life. And accept what god is giving to you. There is no such thing as global warming. President obama once said he wants everybody in america to go to college. What a snob. I find it almost remarkable for a black man to say, no, were going to decide who are people and who are not people. You are black by the color of your skin. You are not, you know, homosexual necessarily by obviously by the color of your skin. I dont want to make black peoples lives better by giving them somebody elses money. I dont use the term black very often. I use the term africanamerican. Hope we had more time to spread me a few more places. See. The republicans are great at telling stories. The problem is, no ones falling for it. If Rick Santorum believes hes got the key to a republican blockbuster, he can keep on pretending. But they didnt fit. Customers not happy, im not happy. Sales go down, im not happy. Merch comes back, im not happy. Use ups. They make returns easy. Unhappy customer becomes happy customer. Then, repeat customer. Easy returns, im happy. Repeat customers, im happy. 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That was the president within the last hour calling out republicans on their reckless threats to shut down the government for the firs time in l 17 years. And right now theres no compromise on the horizon. Its tea party psychos on the house side making John Boehners life miserable and putting him in an untenable position. And then minions following because they dont want to be primaried. But i believe this has been their mission all along. They want to make this president look dysfunctional. This is what you get when you combine hate and obstruction and roll it into one. You have a government that has stalled. And now youve got americans who were going to be hurt. For more on this, lets bring in Michael Eric Dyson and professor at georgetown university. Dr. Dyson good to have you with us. This has been a rough day at the office and it will be a tough one tomorrow. I dont think that there is any compromise in sight. And i think we need to talk about how long this shutdown could actually last. It looks to me like boehner is going to have no deal in sight. Your thoughts on whats unfolded this afternoon. I think theres no end in sight unfortunately. At times like this the president looks so reasonable. He looks like a man whos doing his job. In the support of the American People and supposedly the congress is charged with the same thing. He begins his statement, president obama, by speaking about what theyre supposed to do. One of the things theyre supposed to do is to pay the bil bills. Were not talking about whats coming down the line. Were talking about what weve already done. And this kind of opportunistic terrorism on the part of the right wing, i think, will backfire on them. I dont believe that president obama will look like the person at risk here because 10 i mean, American Public believes that the congress is doing a job thats only worth a 10 approval rating. Only 10 of americans believe theyre doing a good job. Ed, i just believe in my heart and given to all the indexes out here, the republicans are going to take heat for this. And they didnt learn anything under president clinton and arent learning under president obama. I want to play the statement from this afternoon. Were going to move here in the next several hours to take the senate bill, add to it a oneyear delay of the individual mandate on the American People and get rid of the exemption for members of congress. Its for all americans. The house is going to take a position today reflecting one very fundamental principle that our country stands for. No special treatment for anyone. Dr. Dyson, its very clear that they want to obstruct as much as they can to buy more time so they can win the blame game. They think that they can win over the opinion of the American People and end up blaming president obama. Is it going to work . I dont think so. Look, they are trying to buy time. Theyre trying to buy enough time to say, look. The people will be so upset at both sides they wont make a but i just dont think its going to work. President obama has taken the lead here by asserting whats going on. Hes using his bully pulpit in a fine fashion, and hes got to make that statement. Compromise comes when were trying to hash out our differences. It does not come with negotiating with rhetorical terrorists which is what theyre up to right now. As long as he holds to his guns and as long as he that president obama puts their interest above the interests of the far right wing. So if you cant make the American People think that this is not a legitimate president , is this how you legislatively treat him . Yes, this is what theyre trying to do. I dont think it will work. He has proved to get the better of them and i think he will this time as well. All right. Michael eric dyson, good to have you with us tonight. Thats the ed show. Politicsnation with reverend al sharpton starts right now

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