We do begin on a more serious note this hour. Help us, that is the message thousands of typhoon survivors are saying as food and water and medicine has been slow to reach hard hit areas. Aid has been arriving to the airport but getting it out to the city and local towns where roads are washed out and emergency crew killed has been quite difficult. It tops 2300 and at least two americans were among them. Ian williams is in the philippines. Ian, the flow of the aid as many people have commented seems frustratingly slow. What is being done to improve that flow of aid . Reporter ari, there is aid in country and theres plenty more on its way. The real problem is getting it to where its most needed. The Philippine Government described this as the biggest and most challenging logistical effort theyve ever undertaken here. They said they are dealing with it and are promising to step things up but not nearly quick enough for those desperate survivors. Now, one of the problems was the local government was almost decimated. Theres not been the officials there to distribute the aid. They say they are putting people in place now. Another problem has been getting the transporters and trucks to bring in the aid. Both into the region and also to distribute it from the airport once it gets there. Thats been a bit of a nightmare. Clearing roads has been a problem. Ports have been a problem. Huge bottlenecks, those places. Also, security, weve seen this looting. But the government has now a curfew in place in tacloban, one of the more seriously affected towns. And also, they are far more police and soldiers on the roads. So they are now saying that the efforts the flow of aid will now be stepped up. Today also we saw the u. S. Ambassador down there as well as the u. N. s Emergency Response head. Both of them saying that yes, aid has been slow. It needs to be stepped up and pledging to do everything they can to see that happen. There are far more aid workers down there. At the moment it clearly isnt flowing as fast as its needed but certainly a chorus of voices saying they are determined to step it up. That is of course what the philippines wants to hear right now, ari. All right, well keep an eye on the story. Thank you very much. Back here at home. Were going to talk politics, health care and yes, another new poll which shows us how washington has lost touch with much of america. Lets begin with the president , the latest poll shows barack obama at an all time low in that poll. His approval standing at 39 . And on many important issues the president is under water. In fact, 39 is about where george w. Bush was at this time in his second term. If you think thats bad, congress is down to 9 . Thats 9 of america with a Health Care War waging, were expected the long awaited enrollment numbers this hour. The rest of washington playing the blame game or obstruction game. The question, can any of this be fixed and is d. C. Even listen g listeningi listeninging . Thanks for being here. Thank you. When you look at these numbers which are historically bad, is there any chance of them moving washington . Moving washington to do something. To do something. I very much doubt it. These numbers are a product of a long, long process thats been going on. You can say almost from before the civil war. The relationship between the 39 and the 9 is key here because our government, its not an elected dictatorship, its a system to get anything done youve got to have the okay to the president , the house and senate and when one of those is as dysfunctional as it is right now, nothing happens. So thats what were looking at. The fact that obama is a 39 , i think is basically a reflection of most peoples instinct, which is to think the president is in charge of everything. So if something goes wrong, the president is to blame. If something goes right, the president gets the credit. But it doesnt have a lot of relation to whats happening. You have written at length about the president. This is something you wrote a little over a month ago during the terrible days of the shutdown. The republicans are unhinged by the fear that barack obama will once again turn out to be a strong finisher as mr. Smith, a sweet, earnest, inexperienced who ends up on top. He got health care passed in 201 and cruised to reelection in 2010. Were 2012. You have 44 who say hes not trust worthy. If the narrative around obama care doesnt begin ticking up very quickly, you could very well see the beginning of the end, at least of his domestic legacy. How does he get on top of that . Its a question of whether this is a freefall or slingshot, an obama slingshot where the pulling back and off it goes. I dont see how it can get an awful lot worse. I think he may be bottoming out here. Youre absolutely right about the trust factor and that it if you like your health plan you can keep it and period, that has done him some kind of nixonyan levels of damage. That story isnt going to last forever any more than the shutdown story lasted forever. Nothing around politics seems to last forever. But how can it get worse . Well, one way they could miss that end of this month deadline, which they inhe have itably will arguably, it will be possible to argue there will be people that are still having trouble. But as obama care kicks in and gradually over months, that will be a story and youll see obama start to come up a little bit. It has to happen for obama to hand it off to another democrat next time. Rick, to that point of obama care kicking in and hopefully the president coming back, another issue were starting to hear more about again, the controversy over the requirement that Health Insurance Companies Provide Access to Birth Control as part of their Health Insurance plans were seeing, Court Challenges make their way through the courts. I think this is a very difficult issue for republicans as we look back as what happened in virginia last week. Ken cuccinelli lost single women by 42 points. It was largely because they were so terrified of his extreme positions on social issues and in particular, on contraception. This to me seems like a lingering issue thats going to continue to exacerbate gop issues with young women. It certainly will. Thats an issue that democrats would rather be talking about than the issue of can you keep your plan if you like it. Because Birth Control, the idea that an employer, religious convictions, beliefs, notions, should be binding on his or her employees, i dont see where thats religious freedom. Religious freedom this is choice nobody has to use Birth Control or take advantage of that aspect of their plan, but it should be their choice, not their employers choice. We have another deep moment of citizens confronting lawmakers around immigration yesterday. 13yearold girl speaking directly to john boehner while hes out in a diner. Lets see a little of that. Im trying to find somebody to get this thing its not easy. Not easy. I think it clears up questions so we can count on your view for he says hes going to try to do something about immigration. Of course we know Immigration Reform for this congress is dead. It doesnt look like it will be any different in the future because this sort of is a classic chief in the republican party, the past has been about stoking white racial anxiety and know, at least the establishment part, knows the future is a demographically changed america, where that stoking of white racial anxiety will no longer be plausible or successful. This seems to be one of issues for the republican party. How do they change on this thing . Its the tragedy of the commons, where if you throw trash on the street, puts on a little bit but everybody does it it, its bad. The republican partys future is one thing. The future of these individual members is something very different. And its perfectly reasonable in a cold sort of way for a republican member of congress to look after getting safeguarding his seat and what does he have to worry about . Not a democrat if its a 70, 80 republican district. He has to worry about a republican to his right. I dont know how they get out of that dynamic. Its going to take an awful lot of business money and a lot of establishment table pounding to solve that problem. Heres the issue where they are disagreeing with business. Republicans give business everything they want. You talk about the business money. Thats an issue where people talk about two americas. Theres an idea circulating theres two parties, you were writing bill de blasio is the most rhetorically liberal mayor weve ever had in this big city. We see a new senator in cory booker who has a lot of wall street money behind him. Do you think thats where were shaping up next, rather Foreign Policy dividing democrats, a real question . It probably could. Theres a piece in the new republic speculating what if Elizabeth Warren ran for president. He doesnt take it totally seriously that she might. She did sign a letter saying she likes hillary. But that is the in the Democratic Party. Its not as serious, nothing like vietnam, nothing like that. But its certainly there and will move the Democratic Party. Its going to have a similar effect. Theres no moral equivalent between the republicans and democrats on any of this. But a shift to what used to be the center of the Democratic Party and now kind of the left of the left center, a shift leftish is going to happen. And hillary is going to be part of making that shift. You dont have to be radical if you move to the center. Thanks for being here. Thank you. Up next, one of the things thats certainly not helping the president , the glitches that wont go away and things that got heated on hill. Well show you as the cycle rolls on for wednesday, november 13th. Jackie there are plenty of things i prefer to do on my own. But when it comes to investing, i just think its better to work with someone. Someone you feel you can really partner with. Unfortunately, ive found that some Brokerage Firms dont always encourage that kind of relationship. Thats why i stopped working at the old brokerage, and started working for charles schwab. Avo what kind of Financial Consultant are you looking for . Talk to us today. There are cameras, police, guards. Ds us. But who looks after us online, where we spend more than 200 billion dollars a year. American express can help protect you. With intelligent security that learns your spending patterns, and can alert you instantly to an unusual charge. So you can be a member of a more secure world. This is what membership is. This is what membership does. Welcome back. In a few minutes were expecting the white house to release the long awaited obama care numbers. Ahead of that announcement there were fireworks inside a House Oversight committee this morning when darrel issa attack the obama administrations rollout of healthcare. Gov. Questioning everything in who should be to blame and they are unnecessarily gathering users personal information. President obama said using it would be as easy as buying an Airline Ticket on kayak. Com or buying a television on amazon. This is an insult to amazon and kayak. On the day of the launch, president obama should have known the harsh lesson we have all learned since that time. That was, they werent ready. They werent close to ready. This wasnt a small mistake. This wasnt a scaling mistake. This was a monumental mistake to go live and effectively explode on the launch pad. On the day of the launch, and even today, there are material failures in the security of the obama care website. Meaning, that even though we may not put out the road map, hackers if they can get on a website that only accommodates 1100 people at a time, hackers in fact may have already or may soon find those vulnerabilities. They may soon find your Social Security number last month chairman issa subpoenaed Kathleen Sebelius for documents related to the rollout. Lets just say he hasnt been happy with the response. To date, hhs has not produced a single responsive document to this committee. In contrast, the committee has received far more cooperation, transparency and document production receiving over 100,000 relevant documents from the private sector, from contractors working on this project, the very contractors who were blamed on day one as their fault, not the single political appointees fault, not obamas fault. It has certainly been a rough go for the president lately. To add to the pile on, you have one of the loudest voices in the Democratic Party essentially siding with republicans on one part of obama care. Thts what bill clinton said yesterday in an interview, even if it takes a change in the law, the president should honor the commitment and let them keep what they got. This in my mind continues to feed public trust. On a law that is already unpopular. Youre looking at me, smiling at me let me finish. Youll have more than enough time to get your point across. In my opinion i think this is advice that should not be dismissed. Were talking more than three years so this law has been able to prepare for this rollout. And americans are now feeling unsettled and nervous and feeling anxious. You now have still a majority of American People that, 55 , 90 say a year from now i feel my health care will not be any better under obama care. And you have the Entertainment Industry laughing at obama care as if its a joke. I was watching cmas. That represents the Entertainment Industry, brad paisley represents the Entertainment Industry. You may laugh all you want. You know how many people were watching . 16. 6 Million Viewers last week. A number of which are young adults. Can we play a clip from the cmas . Can we not. Do you have obama care . Obama care, whats that . Its great. Its great. I started signing up last thursday and im almost done. Many of these folks need to sign up for the exchanges. I compared that to president obamas speech he gave in boston on october 30th across three big cable channels, about 1. 9 million views and you think this is when it becomes a problem. Trust aside president obama once people rebuttal rebuttal. Last point, once American People make up their mind it become difficult to change that. Thats not true at all. Before medicaid was enacted in the 60s and Medicare Part d in the 90s under the second george bush. The numbers were highly unpopular, even more so and more unpopular than obama care is at this point. This thing can be easily turned around. Im sure the Country Music folks are clearly talking to a lot of people who were already against obama from the beginning. I mean, when the president the former president is saying about the obama care plan is kind of laughable. The reason why obama and his folks went in this direction, it because the major problem with the clinton plan was they said everybodys health care will be changed. Thats what the hillary care idea was. O mabama went the opposite direction. And now you have this sort of keep your crackpy health plan idea from the republicans. Its like just one attack after another. We start with darrel issa, the number one hater in the house of republicans. I think theres one thing we need to understand here too. Its not like the president doesnt want people to keep their Health Insurance and trying to be a jerk to be a jerk about this. If there was a way you could under the law make this work so people could keep the thing they wanted to keep, he would do it. The problem is this whole law was designed to have as little disruption as possible. This was the minimum amount of disruption possible. If you change this piece and bill clinton is engaging in basically magical thinking, you can snap your fingers and say go ahead, keep what you got only 5 of the country would have their insurance change, it has tons of already. Most of the Health Care Industry in this company is based on employer based plans, thats the middle and upper class concern, most of these people, including whoever our friends at the Country Music awards, out to the republicans in wall street editorial board, never gave a crap about anyone in this nonemployer based market. They dont have proposals to cover these people and dont write stories about these people. Excuse me for feeling really frustrated with two weeks of coverage where they suddenly cover these millions of uninsured. This president ran on and ar tirk lated and tried to get through congress the most Major Health Care reform since the great osociety. He did that by trying to minimize the changes to the employer based plan and help people in the Insurance Market who are in there without any Larger Company fighting for them. It could work or not work. It is true if not enough people sign up, there wont be the right mix for what weve asked the companies to do, does involve extra cost because we have new requirements like you cant discriminate on preexisting conditions and you can add people to your parents plans and that balance and that involved a higher enrollment. The problem with where the discourse is going, people are being taken in by this or being misleading in a way that sends a message that people shouldnt try to get covered. Im sorry it is the law now to try to be covered and theres a program here with a lot of federal funding and in some states state funding to get people covered. Thats where our priority is. The president has made mistakes. It is a huge problem but not all of obama care. I just many reaching my edge, my limit for this faux concern for people who never they attack minimum wage and cut food stamps and attack union but now we care for working class people. They can be led astray by messaging. When you have folks that were told something about the president they are experiencing, thats something else. Thats different than we all agree the president did not do a good job and theres no excuse for it. Thats different from the reality of the law and issa and his faux concern up there on capitol hill today which is nothing but a political game. I think it would be in the republicans advantage to let this thing play out. If it doesnt end up working out, they will be on the better end of this argument. Weve imposed basic standards on health care thats fine were improving Peoples Health care, not giving it away. Giving them something better. The numbers speak for themself. This is a debate well clearly keep having on the cycle. Only 14 legislative days left on the 2013 calendar, counting today. What do you want to see them focus on . Log onto thecycle. Msnbc. Com. We want to know where you stand. The obama care enrollment numbers are in. Wow that feels wow [ male announcer ] oralb deep sweep, featuring three cleaning zones that remove up to 100 more plaque than a regular manual brush. Guaranteed wow from oralb. 1 dentistrecommended toothbrush brand worldwide. Avo thesales event sis back. Drive guaranteed wow from oralb. Which means its never been easier to get a new 2014 jetta. It gets an impressive 34 highway mpg and comes with no charge scheduled maintenance. And right now you can drive one home for practically just your signature. Sign. Then drive. Get zero due at signing, zero down, zero deposit, and zero first months payment on any new 2014 volkswagen. Hurry, this offer ends december 2nd. For details, visit vwdealer. Com today. Katy perrsure how many . Town. Can we get tickets, please . . . Thank you, thank you, thank you seriously . I get 2x the thankyou points on each ticket. The Citi Thankyou preferred card. Now earn 2x the points on entertainment, with no annual fee. Go to citi. Com thankyoucards the news cycle begins in hawaii, with a stroke of the pen, about to make Marriage Equality the law. State Senate Overwhelmingly passed a bill last night. Cheers in the chamber and the governor wasting no time. Hes about to sign it right now. You are watching the signing ceremony live right there. This will make hawaii the 15th state with Marriage Equality. The governor is expected to sign that states bill into law if a celebration planned for the coming weeks. Everybodys favorite crack smoking mayor is in the news again. Rob ford was facing city council this more than and those hoping for a show were not disappointed. Offered to put his record up toe to toe with any member of council. Grab in popcorn and enjoy the show. It was a personal mistake that we all have done, maybe not as serious as mine can i finish please . You can. I dont think i think weve all made mistakes in life. Ill put my record against anyone elses record. Whenever you want, to put your record on, youve been here a long time. Attendance records, im not talking years. Trying to force ford out of office but members dont have the power to do so without evidence he committed a crime. Unfortunately for them, mayor ford was never charged. Fans of Whitey Bulgers victims are inside a boston federal courtroom this afternoon for the start of the sentencing phase. The former crime boss was convicted on all but one of the counts he faced and the jury found he took part in at least 11 killings. Bulger faces two consecutive life sentences plus five years. Were learning new details about the killing of 19yearold mcbride. She had alcohol in her system when she crashed into a parked car. He believes she was disoriented from the accident when she approached a strangers home. White homeowner said he fired a shotgun because he feared for his life. Prosecutors are deciding whether to press charges. This reignited a firestorm over michigans version of stand your ground. We have breaking news from the white house. The administration is releasing first Month Enrollment numbers on the health care exchanges. Peter alexander is there. Peter, what are the numbers . Reporter its been 43 days since the enrollment began. Now were officially getting our first figures. Lets put them up on the screen for you. These cover the first 33 days from october 1st through november 2nd. Theres the number on your screen. 106,185 americans who selected health plans from the marketplace in that first month. 26,794, those are ones who selected the plans in the federal government system. They had to go through healthcare. Gov. Roughly 36 states where that was the case. A much bigger number through the state exchanges signed up, more than 79,000 through other states which include two of the biggest states, new york and california. Some of the important things we dont know more specifically right now is the exact age breakdown. Almost as important as the number itself is the breakdown between young invincibles as they are described and young and Healthy People paying into the system to help cover the cost for the more expensive individuals, the older individuals and individuals that may have the preexisting conditions and the ones the white house has been focused on making sure can get coverage as a result. The definition of enrollment is fairly loose the way it is being communicated. Only for knows who have selected a plan, not necessarily those who have paid for a plan. But again, the headline right now is 106,000 americans for the first 33 days of obama care either through the states or federal exchanges have now signed up. All right, peter, thank you very much for that report. I think well talk about it a little bit. When you look at the numbers, 79,000 coming through the states. Thats something that will be used by critics to say, look, this is the cost of healthcare. Govs problems, that the trend line would suggest you might have gotten a lot more numbers, you left basically enrollments on the table in the first month. The counter argument to that is the plan all along was for a federal state approach, federal state partnership and the 79,000 shows its working well in states that want to participate and their policy hope all along has been to have national participation. To put it in perspective, the administration did estimate 500,000 in the first month. Peter makes a great point. We dont know yet the breakdown of the age of the folks that signed up for this. We need 7 million by the end of march. 2. 7 of those need to be young adults. It will be fascinating to see the age group. Everybody in the Health Policy community is a key piece of this. Probably more important than the numbers themselves. Especially when you look at bending the cost curve. Well be talking about this in the days and weeks to come. Up next, it reads like a thriller novel, a defining moment in american history, an account of jfks final days like youve never seen before and why doesnt anyone know where the president s brain is. Thats a real question. Well tell you the rest up next. I started parttime, now im a manager. N. My employer matches my charitable giving. Really. I get bonuses even working parttime. Where i work, over 400 people are promoted every day. Healthcare starting under 40 a month. I got education benefits. I work at walmart. Im a pharmacist. Sales associate. I manage produce. I work in logistics. Theres more to walmart than you think. Vo opportunity. Thats the real walmart. Mom swaps my snack for a pina colada yoplait. And when mom said i was going out too much, i swapped it for staying in. [ shouts ] guess whos going out tomorrow. [ female announcer ] swap one snack a week for a yoplait. It is so good. Kand i dont have time foris morunreliable companies. B [ female announcer ] swap one snack a week for a yoplait. Angies list definitely saves me time and money. For over 18 years weve helped people take care of the things that matter most. Join today. Mr. President , you cant say and then the shots that changed history. An entire generation of americans knows exactly where they were when jfk was shot. He was in the president ial motor okayed that day in dallas. John connelly rode in the limb moe with kennedy. Now taking us back, james swan son, the author of end of days, the assassination of john f. Kennedy who breaks down the entire assassination from soup to nuts. Please tell me, what was Lee Harvey Oswald out for . To this day we dont know. We know it was oswald and he fired the three shots from a Texas School Book depository, but we dont know what drove him to the sixth floor window. It wasnt to impress soviets and wasnt to impress cube bans and castro revolution. Oswald was a man look forge a mission, looking for meaning in life. A lifelong loser, his wife left him. By coincidence the president drove past the window where he was working. Could it have been fame or glory . He wanted tore part of history and wanted to be remembered. Thats not the only coincidence you outlined here. There were a whole series of random coincidences that led to this moment being possible. Yes, so many things could have saved the president if they happened differently. One of the greatest ones is seven months before oswald shot john f. Kennedy, in april of 1963, he tried to murder a u. S. Army general in dallas with a sniper attack, using the same rifle he used later to kill kennedy. Oswalds wife found out about it. He missed the generals head by an inch. But Marina Oswald knew. She didnt tell the police, she was terrified, she thought she would be deported or lose her children. If she had told the authorities that her husband tried to murder a Major General edwin walker in april of 1963, they would have arrested him and confiscated his rifle and he would have been in jail not shooting at november kennedy. Thats one of the incredible coincidences. If it was raining the president would have lived because the bubble top would have been put on top of the car. Those are some of the coincidences that could have saved the president. If the car sped up after the first shot. If it sped up or swerved after the second shot the president might have survived that day. We talked about jfks assassination and jackie o. , what did she do . Did she try to jump out of the car . Not exactly. This was very much Jackie Kennedys story as it is the president s, her life as she knew it ended. The second shot strikes him in the lower neck and passes through him and governor connelly. At this point she knows hes been shot and president knows hes been shot and the final shot that blows part of his head off. She looks and said oh, no, inches from his. Gets on her knees and stretches across the back trunk of the car. But youll notice shes not crawling out onto the car not trying to escape or save herself. Shes seeing part of the president s head fly in the air and land on the trunk of the car. Shes trying too reach it. She thinks the doctors might need it to fix him. What happened to the rest of the wpresident s brain . When they arrived, she held out her hands to the doctors and handed him part of his brain she had taken from the car. She thought somehow they could use it to help him. The president was buried without his brain on november 25th, 1963. It was in a stainless steel cylinder stored in a locker in a secret service file cabinet in the executive office of the president and taken to the National Archives in a trunk filled with bone fragments and stored away. On halloween, of all days, 1966, it was discovered that all of these autopsy materials not just the brain, had vanished. So you dont know where it is at all . I think i do know who took it. Robert kennedy and his assistance, angie i had an inkling. The reason the reason is not evil, not to conceal evidence of multiple gunman or conspiracy. I believe that Robert Kennedy and the evidence supports this strongly, he took these materials because he wanted to protect his brothers image. Jfk was very sick throughout his life. If the people knew how ill he was, they might not have elected him president in 1960. Robert did this for his brothers reputation and his privacy to keep secret from the American People the true extent of John F Kennedys health. Incredible story. Thanks very much. Best of luck with that book. Up next, the findings of a new report on rape in the military, an Actual Movement on the issue in congress. The film maker who forced this issue to the forefront joins us next. [ male announcer ] at humana, understanding what makes you different is what makes us different. We take the time to get to know you and your unique health needs. Then we help create a personalized Healthcare Experience that works for you. And you. And you. With 50 years of knowhow, and a dedicated network of doctors, health coaches, and wellness experts, were a partner you can rely on today, and tomorrow. Were going beyond insurance to become your partner in health. Humana. To become your partner in health. Dont disguise bad odors in your trash. To become your partner in health. Neutralize them and freshen. With glad odorshield with febreze. A man who doesnt stand still. 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For more information and savings options, call 1888xarelto or visit goxarelto. Com. For more information and savings options, could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. Yep, Everybody Knows that. Well, did you know the ancient pyramids were actually a mistake . Uhoh. Geico. Fifteen minutes could save you. Well, you know. Victim blaming is embedded in dod messaging, the messaging that comes out of the department of defense. What i said to the senate last month, i would love for them to come out with a poster, that simply says, dont rape, period, end of story. We dont see any kind of messages like that. That was the head of the Servicewomens Action Network in april. There is movement on capitol hill on an issue we here at the cycle have been following closely, rape in the military. Congress is now considering a change in the military Justice System that would give Sexual Assault victims more resources and limit the power of military commanders to overturn convictions of offenders. A bill is expected on the senate floor this month. The Development Comes as new pentagon figures show an increase in the number of Sexual Assault complaints up nearly 50 in the first part of this year, compared to the same time last year. While this increase is of no comfort to anyone, it does mean more victims seem to be coming forward thanks in part to efforts of our next guest and her watershed film, invisible war. 16,150 Service Members were assaulted in 2009. About half of the women have been sexually assaulted in the u. S. Military sfwl they let this man get away with everything but murder. Gave him military profession of the year award. If i said anything, they were going to kill me. Amy ziering is the film making behind the 2012 documentary that forced this issue into the Public Discourse and nominated for at puma impact award. Thank you so much for joining us here today. Thank you so much for having me. When this film when your film premiered, did you have any idea what kind of impact it would have . No, we had when you make a film, you hope for the best and want to make this kind of impact. We created with the express purpose of having this kind of effect. But we didnt you know, its been beyond what we dreamed. Take us through the last year since the film was released, everything thats happened and the senators that youve influenced. Well, since the film has been released, there have now 20 billions that have passed in either the senator house, which is absolutely strode. And when we walk through the halls of congress, i cannot tell you how many senators, thank you for making the film, i had no idea. Joint chiefs as well have seen the film, amy, in 40 years of running this countrys military, i learned more in watching your film for 90 minutes about this issue, which is pretty inkrid ebl. And senator mccaskill pushed forward a bill and it still includes the military chain of command. The only way we can really move forward is if we take out the chain of command. How do you feel about this bill . Do you think we can go further . Im fervently in support of the justice improvement act, which i think is actually a much, much better big than senator m than senator mccaskil for this issue. What we found in talking to hundreds of survivors, military generals and jags, when people inside the military dont feel comfortable reporting, they tend not to report. And when you dont have reports, you dont have prosecutions. And thats why were seeing this exponential increase of these numbers. When you say that you are educating folks within the military with your film, part of that is beautiful, and thank god for that. And part of that is tragic that they dont know whats going on, underneath them in their own organization. But the moment in your film which is incredible, and i encourage everybody to watch this film, whether or not youre in the military or not. The moment extra really blew me away is when an expert says, most sex offenders have 300 victims in their lifetime, which is just just kills you. I had no idea the number was anywhere near that. And i mean, that underscores how important it is to stop every single one, come close to stopping because so many more lives can be saved. Yeah, 49 rapes a day in our u. S. Military, right now, zero prosecutions. And its not and the problem and reason, people think its just the culture, what can we do . The military is just a microcosm of society, rape in society. Its not. Its serial predators. Most men are appalled by this. Its a few people carrying out these crimes. But if theyre not prosecuted, they can carry it out at these epidemic numbers. You know, i have two brothers in the military and obvious ask them about this and their friends and they say this is actually really difficult for us. As military Service Members, we care about this. And, in fact, were actually very embarrassed. And we feel leak there is now the stereotype that all military Service Members are like this. No. Its a fine balance. Theyre not. Its only 2 , okay, are committing these kind of crimes. But the problem is, these crimes are only being prosecuted adjudicated within the chain of command. And what does that mean . That means people dont want to report. Their fear of reprisals. Would any of us want to support to our boss a sex crime, even in the best of circumstances . We would feel uncomfortable, right . So right then and there you cut down reporting. After that, obviously, more often than not, the person adjudicate indicating your crime knows you, knows your perpetrator. So theyre also not going to be unbiased. We really want gillibrands bill to pass because that will ensure our Service Members have the same unbiased access access to unbiased system of justice they fight to defend daily for us. An imperfect system to start with, but improvement for the military. Amy, thank you for your work and being here today. We will keep following this important story and we will be right back. [ lee ] now that im getting older some things are harder to do. This is not a safe thing to do. Be careful babe. There should be some way to make it easier [ doorbell rings ] lets open it up and see whats cookin. Oh i like that. Look at this its got a handle on it. I dont have to climb up. This yellow part up here really catches a lot of the dust. Did you notice how clean it looks . Morty are you listening . Morty . [ morty ] im listening i want you to know so i deserve a Small Business credit card with amazing rewards. With the spark cash card from capital one, i get 2 cash back on every purchase, every day. I break my back around here. Finally someones recognizing me with unlimited rewards meetings start at 11, cindy. [ male announcer ] get the spark Business Card from capital one. Choose 2 cash back or double miles on every purchase, every day. Whats in your wallet . I need your timesheets, larry if you were going to steal my watch, how would you do that . So this is more of an expose. But if i may see your hand. Yours doesnt come over the wrist. But if you close your hand tight, wrist gets wider. You focused on your watch, you lost your cell phone in your front pocket. See if its still there. It is. Thats what it looks like. Misdirection. Its crucial for magicians who focus the audiences attention on one activity to distract from the real action. And right now Chris Christie is pulling off some oh incredible political misdirection with his smashing reelection win last week, all eyes on a National Race for 216. But when watching a magician, america, dont be tricked. Lets start with a warm and fuzzy misdirection. The hugs. Hi. Nice to see you again. People ask me for hugs to make sure i wouldnt forget them. People ask me for hugs just to know that the leader of this state cared about them. And people came up to me all of the time in the aftermath and said to me, governor, where did you get the energy . Where did you get the energy day after day after day to do that . Well, who is asking that . But look, this is vintage christie. He gets us watching the hugs, talking about the hugs, debating the hugs. And as for the most famous one, embracing obama after hurricane sandy, christie was happy to dissect that manly yet normal human contact. It was a handshake like you would shake hands with anyone, he said. A perfectly natural, casual, normal type of greeting between two people, and you know, its become legend. Whatever. You could get so lost in this hug dissertation that you would never check on how christie is actually handling the federal funds for sandys victims. But the New York Times didnt get sidetracked. Yesterday she reported that while the federal government sent 1. 2 billion in residential aid to new jersey, the Christie Administration has failed to distribute most of it or even half of it. In fact, christie has only awarded 25 of the funds for homeowners and renters. And that number only became public because housing activists sued christie to force him to release it. 26,000 people are still displaced from their homes. And theyre raising alarm. So when you see all those sandy tv ads and recovery is not actually done, you could try asking christie about it, but you might see his less than warm and fuzzy side. Man, you know what, let me tell you this. What the hell are we paying you for . You want to hear the answer or no . Do you want to do you want to hear the answer or dont you . Now, that is distracting. But there are policy reasons christie has so many confrontations with teachers and Public Workers and lots of other constituents. He changed state law to make it easier to fire teachers. He released plans to potentially default on pension payments to public employees, which is a legal violation and in his first term eliminated funding for after School Programs for lowincome students, cut funding for Legal Counsel for the poor, he cut over 100 million from medicaid and family care, the States Health care program. And he cut over 90 of assistance to the states most troubled cities. So like magic tricks, if you fix ate on christies style, you could end up without your watch, your wallet and the country you know. And thats all before the show is over. That does it for our show. Martin bashir, its all yours. Thank you very much, ari melber. Afternoon, it is wednesday november the 13th. The numbers are

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